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Coolant Temp. Sensor(help fast)

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Since no one is looking in my other topic, i'd figure i'd start a new one. Basically, is this the plug for the coolant temp. sensor?post-14-1083775399.jpg

This is located right below the IAC on my 3.4. I'd like to know soon.


Yeah, sorry about that. The plug has a blue ring around it. Directly above that yellow circle is the IAC, that plug is located right underneath. If that isn't where the coolant temp sensor is, where is it. Thats all i need to know.


I can't tell from your pic, but what color are the wire(s)? If they are yellow and black w/yellow stripe (or gray w/yellow stripe) then they are for the Coolant Temp Sender for the ECM. If the wire(s) are green (idiot light, one wire) or green and green w/black stripe (gauge, 2 wires) it is the sender for the instrument cluster. Also, the CTS has a weatherpack connector, the gauge sender does not...


Hmmm... Couldn't tell you right now actually, its dark outside. But, is it located right under the IAC though? I want to replace it tomorrow, im told it might fix my problems.



taken from my cutlass gallery here



this is on my 90 cutlass with the 3.1

right above where i have the red box is the coolant sensor

i believe this is the one that goes to the gauge or dummy light.

there is also one on the back side of the block near the o2 sensor that goes to the computer.


unsure of wire colors

hope this helps




I'm not sure where it is on the 3.4, but I could whip out my trusty 'ole Haynes manual when I get home from work and see what that says. If I remember correctly, it has a pic of where it's located on every engine in the W-body family. I'll post a pic from the book in a couple of hours if it's in there...


Ok, so i should look more under the TB then? In the haynes manual, it says its located "adjacent" to the EGR valve, for most of the engines.


that looks like the tps wire. it will be a 2 wire harness for the ect. and it is under the throttle body. u know where the thermostat is? its in the same housing on the front side at the bottom point up and towards the back of the car kinda. hope that helps


Okay, the Haynes manual has no picture. Here's what it says:

ECT sensor. The coolant temperature sensor is typically located in the thermostat housing or near the thermostat. On the 3.4L engine it is located on the lower intake manifold at the rear of the right cylinder head (facing the firewall.)

I thought there were pictures. There are pics for the temp gauge sender, though...


The CTS on the 3.4 is kind of a pain with everything put together. Its underneath the lower intake so to speak, near the thermo like the above quote says. How does your car run with this wire unplugged? Check your tps.


LOL, i unplugged that wire for the picture. Anyways, i found the CTS, but how in the holy hell do i get that out of there?!?!!? Could they have put it in a worse spot!

LOL, i unplugged that wire for the picture. Anyways, i found the CTS, but how in the holy hell do i get that out of there?!?!!? Could they have put it in a worse spot!




I pulled the plenum to change the cts.


your gonna need a wrench to get it out, a socket wont fit (unless you get a deep deep neck socket). your gonna have to pull the plenum to make life ALOT easier for you...when you buy the new sensor, you will notice it will come wit a new harness. Cut off the old harness and splice the new wires on there. if at all posssible solder the wire connections together if not some wire nuts and electrical tape will do.


Well, i fixed it this morning, and I DID NOT have to pull the plenum!!!!! I only took out the air box and that was it. Talk about a PITA though. But, i guess it helps having skinny ass arms and little hands. Thanks guys for your help.


did it help? and on the soldering comment. gm used to say solder evrything, now they say crimp and seal. so u don't have to solder


Yep, it helped. It hasn't stalled or acted funny yet. I hope this was the fix, and i hope it doesn't go bad any time soon. That was a royal pain to do without removing the plenum.




I need to know if you're sure about two wires for a gage sender. I just picked up a sender for the dash gage and it only has the green wire. I stated for a gage not an idiot light several times.


I just figured that one wire could send a variable signal. It's just a factor of resistance/impedance right?


Like to get it right before I install.


Hey other gage people....is it one green for your gages of do ya'll have a green and green/blk stripe two wire plug..(not talking about the ECM sensor)


This is the one with the wire as part of the sensor (pigtail)


How much did you pay for the CTS? I just bought the sensor and not he harness and paid $8. Just curious what the harnes would cost.


With the plug, the total came up to $26.xx US at NAPA auto parts.

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