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Who has a blow-off valve???

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Who has a blow-off valve? Where is it located at? How hard was it to install? Is it aftermarket, or did you get it from a junkyard? Thanks.

  • 2 weeks later...

ive been told that summit now carries blow off valves. im not exactly sure how much work is involed but ive been told it should be pretty easy.


They do carry them...a lot of places do now, but they are expensive compared to a salvage yard 1G DSM BOV. Just go to a yard and get one from a 1G DSM Turbo Talon/Eclipse/Laser (91-94, I think). I have the rest of the directions on my website, http://www.turboste.com. I'm actually rebuilding the server that is hosting turboste.com right now, and the site is down. So if you have questions about doing this upgrade, just email me. I bought the whole pipe and BOV from the yard, cut the flange off of the intake pipe and welded it to my lower IC pipe. Then I bolted the BOV on to the flange. Then I hooked the vac line to a source of manifold vac/boost behind the throttle plate.




Hey eclipse5302...


Your instructions on installing the BOV look great (saw them 3 weeks ago). Do you know if a filter is required for the BOV or is there only relief pressure coming out of the BOV? I put a 92 Eclipse BOV on my TGP and have noticed quite a difference between shifts... 8)


I just picked up a 1stgen Talon BOV from the local junkyard for $20. Need to clean it up a little before I have it installed. :)

Guest Anonymous

Does anyone know of any other talons,etc... in a junkyard that they can get me a blow off valve out of. Theres shit for decent cars in jy's around here.


The junkyard I went to has another DSM with a bov. It would take a little work to get it out though, since there is more stuff connected to it then the one I just bought. If you really need one, I can get it for you this weekend[maybe]. I'll sell it for the cost of the part and shipping&handling.

Guest Anonymous

What do you mean more stuff connected to it? Is it the same as the one you got or isn't it? You pulled the whole pipe, correct?


If it's the same I want it. $20 plus shipping? See what shipping is to 15801.


The one I got is the same as the other one. It's just that the one I bought, everything connected to it was cut-off and nothing was around it, so it was easily accessible. The other BOV still has hose connected to it and is between a fuse box and something else.

Guest Anonymous

If the price is going to be $20 plus shipping I'll take it. Let me know a final price. My zipcode is 15801.


Hey, I've been sick for the past three days, so I probably won't be able to make it to the junkyard this weekend :(

Guest Anonymous

WHAT :?: Get your sick, lazy, ass out of bed and go get my B.O.V. !!!!

NOW :dammit: ......



Just kidding. Whenever you get it is fine. Don't forget to let me know what shipping is to 15801.

Oh yeah, hope you get to feeling better.


I got mine off E-Bay for $50US +shipping. the stock DSM BOV's are cheap, plentyfull and hold up to like 20psi stock.. you can also modify them (crush) to hold 25psi or also add another vaccume line to it to hold up to 25psi (long exp). I also have a 1g Eclipse BOV. the best location for BOV's are 12" away from the throttle body. i am ordering a lazer cut flange from http://www.roadraceengineering.com/flangesandgaskets.htm for $14 including gasket. then having it welded on to my own custom piping. I am doing a custom trubo as well on my 1995 Z34 Monte. I have a few misc parts allready, i am saving for the Turbine and I/C. here is what my BOV looks like (mine included J-pipe)





HKS also has a cheap BOV as well:





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