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god everytime i see that thing it gets worse and worse. the only thing thats cool is the L67 swap. the rest of the car needs to be burned.

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the body kit doesnt look 1/2 bad on it, and the L67 swap is sweet, but thats is, lose the wings. center exhaust, and fake badging, and it might be ok...

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That goofy fucking thing keeps re-appearing. AGH. It needs to burn in fuck. Sorry, but if I was given that car, I'd just swap that engine in my Prix. No way I'd ever drive that monstrocity.

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The only thing I even sort of like is the wheels, except for the mismatched sizes.


Everything else is the epitomy of "gaudy".

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I never noticed this.. but why in the name of fuck does it have exhaust coming out the trunk!??


That could be a cool car... just need a small sledge hammer to take off a couple things, then drop it in the paint booth and do a nice black/gold I think it would look pretty good :)

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I never noticed this.. but why in the name of fuck does it have exhaust coming out the trunk!??


That could be a cool car... just need a small sledge hammer to take off a couple things, then drop it in the paint booth and do a nice black/gold I think it would look pretty good :)


if you ever see a Skyline GTR in race trim....it has those tip comin out the trunk like that..i have no clue why...just must be some weird Nismo thing

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