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is it a big job to change a timing belt on a 1991 gtp?


and what is a good site for parts?


if you like a challenge, do it like i did:


Standard socket set, Breaker bar, and...thats it!


2Wice i have retimed this bitch witout any special tools.


I am however looking to use the actual tools to do the 13* retard...but if you wanna just retime, here's a tip...


get all the cam flats up...then mark each cam at the very top most cam gear tooth with whiteout or something that marks and stays...with the crank at TDC (the mark on the timing cover), count 15 teeth to either the right or left for the front cams and mark those...then use the breaker bar wit a 15mm socket to turn the cams upside down. Now you have the cam flats down perfectly....


this method worked best for me but you might want to follow the instructions if its your 1st time...



sorry everyone, i just like bragging! 8)

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