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90 gp runs great but sputters and stops

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I have a 90 granprix with 204,000 miles my wife wants me to put it to rest

because of this problem. My problem is sometimes the car will not start

unless I press the gas pedal a little. Once it running the engine runs great

until you come to a complete stop, then it starts to sputter and stall. Sometimes I can catch it.


I changed the spark plugs,wires, iac and used sea foam for the injectors.


Willing to try anything to keep my baby.


Thank for time




are you getting any codes?


I'd almost guess the TPS may be out of range, but without seeing the car, it'd be really hard for me to help ya out.




thats one of the problems i was haveing when I went and got my cutlass....make a long story short...replaced injectors and it runs good now.


did you check the ohm load on 'em and replace only the ones you needed to replace, or did you just replace all of 'em...




Dave, there was nothing going through all of them....It wouldnt even try to fire at all. I figured just place all of them then I knew what I had.


Have you tried the extended idle learn procedure?

If the car runs and drives fine for the most part, the ECM may be having trouble controlling the IAC.


Ahh, my beretta needed two injectors, before I replaced 'em it wouldn't start (easily) but it never sputtered before it died, it'd just die at random.


anyhow, back to the orignial topic...


it sounds like there's a fueling problem, first I'd check the fuel pressure at the rail, then check the fuel pump, and the fuel filter, because those may be causing the issues, or if the regulator isn't holding any pressure in the rail, that too could cause the issue ... I hope any of those ideas help ya out.




:) Thanks for the help.


My iac was out to far. I measures the 1.125 from the oil ring not from the base.


Thanks again,



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