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Thank you all for your support in my last post about the seized 3.4 here is a followup also I have some concerns maybe you can help me with.


Well after extensive phone calls and getting the usual run around. I have decided to get a rebuilt engine. There is an "Engine Exchange" that will take my old one and give me a freshly rebuilt one. My mechanic is in the process of removing my current engine.


Now I have some problems. I have a shitty feeling in my stomach about this current 3.4. What are signs of tampering. Im talking about sugar in the gas tank. Will this cause an engine to seize? I do my best to upkeep my cars. I don't think the seizure was due to lack of oil or whatever. I have a really sketchy neighbour who hates me and my cars. I was thinkin maybe he had something to do with this. I have already bought a locking gas tank cap. I was just trying to brainstorm how this went wrong without my mechanic. I didnt think engines just seized up on a guy.


I am also scared if this guy put something into my car to seize the engine it could still possibly be there (gas tank) Any oppinions would be appreciated. Peace


contact your local police department, and tell them you suspect your car may have tampered with. don't let anyone work on your car untill the police tell you what you are able to do. Now since you don't have proof of anyone tampering with your car the police may not be able to do anything other then fill out a report for you, but after you have the report, you can always claim it on your insurance (assuming you have full coverage) the insurance company may want to see the car, and inspect the engine before it's pulled.





Thanks for the advice but living where I live, you dont rely on the police to help you out. besides he's my next door neighbour. I can deal with him.


What are the actual effects of sugar in a gas tank and or what things could be added to a car to make the engine seize? I just cant comprehend the engine seizing because of something I did or did not do




welp, the cops would be just for the police report for the insurance company ...


sugar in the tank I guess could make it seize up after it's been run, but normally it clogs up the whole fuel system and trashes that, Caro Corn Syrup in the oil pan will seize a motor for sure.




also, is it your gas cap, or the cover thats going to be locked? anyways, lock or make the cover button released, like on some cars


Well it sounds like he has a neighbor like I had...the only way to deal with him is to get proof and then turn about fair play...except 10 times worse.


Ya. I don't exactly know if it is him but he's tried to call the cops on me about parking my cars. I have a front drive and he has an alley drive way. I park my cars in front of my house and in front of his because my neighbour on the other side also has a front drive so i cant block him. I have had the cops tell me there is nothing illegal about parking there as long as the cars dont sit for over 72hours at a time. Unfortunately for him I leave atleast once a day :lol:

he's nothing but bad news. Perhaps my mechanic will have some more info as to what caused my problems.


Crimson Fury Z:

I dont think I need to go as far as installing a locking lid. Unless you have some basic instructions on how it can be done.



I am actually going to buy a wireless camera that transmits to me if there is any motion. Thank god for wireless G!

I'll be loading the shotgun if anyone comes within 25 feet of my car :)


Shotgun makes too much noise...revenge is what you need to do..and not get caught. Shotgun diffinately will get ya locked up. If the cops wont help you now... they will surely throw ya in a jail cell for fireing a gun!!! :lol:


Sugar definitely seizes the engine up good but when you take the engine apart, it's pretty obvious. The sugar caramelizes and stays on EVERYTHING.


a locking gas cap isn't very much money, but obviously it can still be removed through various methods...

a locking gas cap isn't very much money, but obviously it can still be removed through various methods...


Assuming he lives in the US, his neighbor is a lazy fuck who would be completely turned off at the thought of trying to think up a way or put effort into a way of removing it.


If the mechanic said you engine spun a bearing, Ask him to tell you which bearing it is... If it's the 1st bearing downstream of the oil pick up tube, there's a good chance the bearing failed due to LACK OF OIL.

a locking gas cap isn't very much money, but obviously it can still be removed through various methods...


Assuming he lives in the US, his neighbor is a lazy fuck who would be completely turned off at the thought of trying to think up a way or put effort into a way of removing it.


:lol: :lol: :lol:


Man i would play chicken shit on the road with the guy and bring a base ball bat along :lol: :lol: :lol: or at least thats what i would do!!!!


if the guy is that much of an asshole, and you do live in canada, let the cops know the guy was street racing, and put some NOS stickers on his car before the cops show up.





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