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Odd problem.. kinda funny.. but.. Help me please!

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Ok, as of late.. My car seems to go through moods.. Sometimes, it has DOG slow acceleration.. I mean, to the same par my 2.5 6k on a hot day.. But other times, it is as though someone lights a flare under my cars ass, and I lose control of it!! Flying down Century Ave. in Oakdale at 70 before I can say "What the fuck" is kinda nice, but not exactly legal.. Has anyone else experienced this? It has been doing this for a while.. Since November Id say.. I changed the air box filter, no go.. I also removed the snorkel on the front of the box.. Besides a SLIGHT sound difference, no change AT ALL.. Any help that cn be given would be really great! Thanks!


my old 3.1 beretta was doing that, I couldn't figure it out, but I would guess it'd be fuel delivery maybe, because it stoped doing it after I replaced a whole bunch of things - fuel pump, strainer, filter, oil change, plugs, wires, and the air filter (just found my autozone receipt) so perhaps it's one of those things.




Hmmm.. Plus/wires are definately in order.. My gastank is ready to spring a leak at any time, so all that'll get replaced.. I dont know.. Like just tronight, it was really sluggish on my way FROM Hastings.. I went to Oakdale, and I couldn;t keep it even 1`0 miles within the speedlimit for more than 15 secs.. But, on my way home through Oakdale, Again, accel. sucked ass.. Just pisses me off, and I was worried.. FYI, Motor/ttrans mounts will be needed soon.. Any recommendations?


I'd say your TPS is acting up and probably needs replacement. Bad TPS, would accelerate your vehicle by itself even though you did not want to accelerate and sometimes it would not respond much when you want to speed up.


WOuld that also cause High RPMS after start? Like, 3 grand? And it doesn't fall right away? It happens EVERYTIME I start my car after it sits.. I know all cars' RPMs are up when its a tad bit cold out, but leaving school when it was about 80 degrees outside a week ago I think, it was still, 2500- 3000 RPM.. Where is this TPS thing? Let me know, and I'll do that too :D Thanks!


high idle on start is likely the dreaded intake gasket leaking. Ask me how I know!!!! There is an easy check for this, by spraying starting fluid (I think, some one will tell you what for sure) along the intake gasket area and if the idle changes, you have a leak.




It could be a vaccum leak, check all the hoses for leaks, or entire chunks missing, they get brittle with age

Where is this TPS thing? Let me know, and I'll do that too :D Thanks!


The TPS (Throttle Position Sensor) is usually located near the lower part of the throttle body intake. The IAC (Idle Air Control solenoid) is usually located above the TPS.


if you're gonna spray your engine with something to look for a leak, make sure you use something like carb cleaner, if you use starting fluid you could have MAJOR problems, as that's mostly ether - which has a really low flash point, and even the heat from the exhaust manifolds could set it off.




Does it make a difference if it's hot or cold? The conditions of your acceleration might change if you're going 25 when you stomp on it versus 45 when you stomp on it. If it were my money, I'd spend a couple minutes and pull your EGR valve and spray the heck out of it with carb cleaner. It might be sticking. Of course, if it's due for a tune up, get that all out of the way, plus the fuel filter (all relatively cheap and easy). Get the general maintenance out of the way so we know it's not something completely stupid.


:arrow: A good story. I was working on a '70 Cutlass Supreme a while back. I knew the plugs and wires had just been changed, and I had the distributor cap, points, rotor, and condenser replaced. Still, whenever the engine was under load, it would backfire up into the intake. i was perplexed! I had the timing checked...did not solve the problem. I replaced the vacuum hoses...nope. Tested for intake leak...nope. So one day I'm sitting in the garage, yanking my hair out over this beeyooteeful car not running right when I come across a spark plug gapping tool in the tool box. I knew I had *looked* at the plugs but what were they supposed to be set at? Checking the CSM: .040. Pulled #1 plug: .065. Hmmm... Removed all plugs & regapped. Started car, warmed it up. Crushed the hammer and it was a thrill to beat all thrills.


I had this problem. then my engine seized.. i would barely step on the gas and holy shit im already speeding. BUT for some reason the car didnt shift out of 3rd unless i let off the gas completely


Engine Siezure?! I am concerned! And no, it does not make a lick of difference if it's hot or cold.. It IS due for a tune-up, and that's gonna go all through this week.. Plugs, wires, serp. belt, all these little emission doo-dads you guys said to try, fuel filter, air.. LOL.. Exhaust is this summer along with a CUSTOM EuroZ modification :D Thanks guys! I'll let ya know how it comes out! :)

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