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Cad 4.9 swap (lack of) progress report.


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For those that had expressed interest my swap project has been shelved until further notice. I'm not giving up but higher priorities have raised their ugly heads.......... I will still be working on it but the "toy fund" had to be diverted for the greater good so it won't be going back together any time soon. :cry:

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i have the firewall plug and about 18" of harness for you...


Thanks Pat, yeah I need to get that harness out of there for your buddy don't I........... good thing you said something I almost forgot ! :oops:


everyone wants to see that engine in your car



Nobody more than me ! It'll happen come Hell or high water but it's just not going to happen as soon as I wanted it to. I could probably do it if I cut some corners but I have a definite plan and I'm sticking to it. I only get one shot at this so I better do it right the first time..............

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I had no idea anyone was puttin a 4.9 into a car.. I feel dumb now.. Good luck, and if a donation fund is started, I'll donate.. I also have the feeling that the favor would be readily returned! :wink: :lol: :lol:

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