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Sieze the day that u have an olds

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As of today I am taking the bus. My 1992 Cutlass 3.4L seized completely. Started off as a dead battery, turned into a nightmare.

I was wondering. I want to either put in a rebuilt engine or rebuild my seized one. What is the better choice, rebuild the one that seized or find a different one. I dont have too much faith in the 3.4 so I was thinkin,

Can I put a 3.1L into the car? Do I need to do anything special. I am not a mechanic, nor do I claim to know anything really about cars. I haven't talked this over with my mechanic (obviously), Im just lookin for some oppinions. I love my cutlass. I've had 1 other and also have a bravada. I love the Oldsmobile line which unfortunately along with my car is done with today! I just cant let this baby go so soon. Please give me some kind wise words!


I don't think it would be too much work dropping in a 3.1. I know I'll get shit thrown at me by the 3.4 guys ... you would have less power than the 3.4 but it's not a PITA engine to work on and extremely reliable and lots of them in the junkyards cause they outlast the cars.


Try to find a used 3.4 in good condition. 3.4's are good engines, they are no more likely to seize up than a 3.1 considering the bottom end is very very similar, only beefier.


What do you think the 3.4 is locked up? if its not cracking it could be as simple as a starter. If the starter cant turn the motor, take a socket and breaker bar on the crank pully and see of u can turn it over, it ya can, put a little wd40 in each cyl (spray in fluid for like 4-5 seconds each cyl) and crank it over by hand.


Make sure theres oil in it and that the starter is working. good luck.



I don't think it would be too much work dropping in a 3.1. I know I'll get shit thrown at me by the 3.4 guys ... you would have less power than the 3.4 but it's not a PITA engine to work on and extremely reliable and lots of them in the junkyards cause they outlast the cars.

Have you ever actually WORKED on a 3.4? Didn't think so...


"""As of today I am taking the bus. My 1992 Cutlass 3.4L seized completely."""


What a coincidence, yesterday the complete Oldsmobile line was shut down by GM. The last off the line was the red Alero. :cry:

The last off the line was the red Alero. :cry:

And it wasn't even a coupe. :roll:

I don't think it would be too much work dropping in a 3.1. I know I'll get shit thrown at me by the 3.4 guys ... you would have less power than the 3.4 but it's not a PITA engine to work on and extremely reliable and lots of them in the junkyards cause they outlast the cars.

Have you ever actually WORKED on a 3.4? Didn't think so...


okay guys lets save as much as we can and buy oldsmobile name from gm

and make new cars that look 10x's better then anything gm has right now and are rwd or awd :twisted:


Here's the deal. Yank that 3.4L piece of junk out and put in a 3.1. As a matter of fact, I have a 3.1 just waiting to be transplanted in your car! And, as a service to the world, I will bear the enormous burden of having to rebuild (GASP) the 3.4 and further suffer by (SCREAM) driving it every day and (HORROR) having to deal with the incredible maintenance issues!


If you want me to relieve you of this hiddeous motor, give me a call.



Or email Swhite@students.uwsuper.edu.

Or Write: 2410 W. 4th St. Duluth, MN. 55806

Scott "Drama? What drama?" White

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