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Is My '90 Turbo Worth Saving??


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honestly I don't want to sell it! BUT, i live with my girlfriend...enough said huh :D she has bugged me forever to get rid of it. usually i just ignore her and move on to another topic :twisted:


Which was there first the car of the girlfriend? You can always get another GIRLFRIEND! :lol: One billion women on earth, 7000 TGP's.


I say keep it and work on it little at a time. I have mine for sale but I'm not pushing to sell real hard, I like the car, not love but like. Money talks and everything can be bought.


I'm comming to chicago for my sisters wedding on the 15th, want to meet up? I might drive my TGP, she is running great and needs more miles on her :shock: 159K and counting.

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I think she's hinting something.

Send out around 50 or more resumes' and keep the TGP and fix it on your weekends.


Thats might be what she's getting at...tricky women...


Good luck with your decision



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