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how can i tell if the rear suspension is going?


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alright yall


many of yall have heard me saying something about a really rough and shakey ride on the rear. Over time it has gotten worse, to the point that im not the only one feeling it anymore.


When taking the interstate, When I hit bumps (arround 70MPH), the rear at times is alomst flying all over the place. IT feels like the rear almost wants to come arround sometimes on me. The tires look fine. The rear also feels like it bunches up sometimes, giving a really weird feeling (like the cars trying to go two places at one time).


Also, when driving like a normal citizen on roads...when i hit bumps (that used to be fine), somteimes my Low Trac light comes on. That...and the bump just feels terraiable.


Lastly, when I took the CS off a lift the other day, the rear seemed to be sittinga little higher than usual. Not to bad though. I went to push on it...and it felt mushy and you heard a gasy sound. Now...my fronts make this gas sound all the time, supposedly this is fine (and the front feels like a million bucks).


I have ridden in our old Lumina when the rear was shot. Every bump you hit in the car, and espoc. in the back seat, hurt like hell. My car isnt doing that yet, and also isnt sagging.


So...what could this be? And....with ideas (like the rear struts needing to be replaced)....how much does something like that cost? And can it be done by myself?



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where would these leaks be arround? I havent noticed anything wet in there when it was on the lift the other day, i remember looking in detail all up in the wheel well, atleast.


agian, $$? Someone has to have replaced these sometime.



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Just depends on what ya buy.. I just bought some from GM for the front.. ~100 bucks for those.. As for the leak, it wont be dripping wet.. It will actually look like water or slight discoloration. Also, is your car in "Gang bang Low Ryda" mode? I mean, does the rear sag at all? My Lumina is saggin pretty bad in the back.. Im goin to be doin those in the coming weeks.. Good luck!

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What im more concerned about is the labor...for some reason I thought something really expensivve...like $700.


No...no dead bodies in the trunk. It sits kinda how it always has. It also springs back just fine if you push down on it.


I dont mind spending $100 on good quality parts...but im not soo keen on $600+ on labor.



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Well, the REARSA are easy enough to do on your own.. Maybe youre havin problems because its th softer, gramma suspension.. I dunno because it springs back when ya push on it.. Good luck though!

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or, in that case, are the rears easy enough that they wouldnt have a crazy labor charge? I was tlaking to my dad about it a while back...said he did them all the time on the w's back in the eearly 90s.


ill have to mess arround with it. If anything...its just starting to go.




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Yea, "Just starting".. My 6k was so bad up front, that the oil was running down the sides!!! LOL.. But yea, Mine are SHOT! lol.. Ill get some pics.. lol.. Check em out at a JY or somethin if youre unsure!

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i just changed a strut for the first time over the winter, it requires access to a air wrech (just take it to a garage they should pop the top stud free no problem, and put the new one on) but other then that it required a $30 tool to compress the springs. all and all a prety easy job but be sure to get s torque specs diagram for how everything goes back together. i'd imagine rear struts would be far easior then front ones.

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if i do anything, its at my dads shop on the lift, with alll the air tools i need. Ill maybe take him for a ride tommrow, see what he thinks.



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alright yall

When taking the interstate, When I hit bumps (arround 70MPH), the rear at times is alomst flying all over the place. IT feels like the rear almost wants to come arround sometimes on me. The tires look fine. The rear also feels like it bunches up sometimes, giving a really weird feeling (like the cars trying to go two places at one time).



I just recently test-drove an Accord that did the exact same thing. Scary as hell when you're not expecting it! Heck.. it was downright dangerous. This was a month or so ago when there was still some slush on the road from recent snowfall. Out on the highway (55mph) I had to drive 20 mph just to keep things under control, no joke. A regular healthy car wouldn't even flinch at the small amt. on the road, but when I hit that first little patch at 60, I thought I was dead.

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yeah, pretty scary feeling.


What would yall do in this case? is it something that would make you consider getting rid of the car, or just fixing it.



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yeah, pretty scary feeling.


What would yall do in this case? is it something that would make you consider getting rid of the car, or just fixing it.




every little creak and it seems you want to dump your car

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