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sending units - fuel pumps

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Guest Gp crazy

are the pumps and sendinig units from adv-auto good or bad? or should i go with gm replacement one's ? some input would be good thanks

jeff b

I have a good looking tank all i need is a good sender and pump to go with it.

Guest TurboSedan

i bought a TGP pump for my Cutlass from Advance and so far it's doing great. i wouldn't worry about getting a new sending unit, but if you need one just get one from a j/y. some sending units have quick disconnect fittings and some have flare fittings, so make sure you get the right one. i broke my sending unit when i replaced the pump :evil: so right now my gauge reads full all the time. when i replace it i will be going with a Walbro 255/LPH. i already got another sending unit from a j/y, so i'll be installing it soon. replacing the fuel pump is a total BITCH. if possible, do it with an empty tank. if your pump is bad and you have a full tank, you're pretty much SOL.

good luck

Guest Gp crazy

When i do this swap the TANK will be empty and i will be useing alot of blaster on the bolts :devil: and when i put it together i will be neversese on all the bolts :oops: does WALBRO have a web site ? is it WALBRO.COM ?? THANKS JEFF B


A good looking tank does not do anything to help the fuel delivery if there are some debris at the bottom of the tank.


When I replaced my fuel pump, I have turned over the tank upside down and hose it with water completely get rid of the debris. Let it dry, put new the new pump/sending unit, put some gas and manually operated the fuel pump with 12 volts source and it squirted the gas out. (Just to make sure that pump works before it put back in the car and tighten them up).


Pour some gas and drive it to the gas station and fill it up and pour some water remover bottle. Don't let it go past down 1/4 of fuel level if you want to make the fuel pump last longer.

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