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Hello all, hope you can help me get my sons car back up and running.

94 Cutlass Supreme 3100 SFI automatic. Replaced fuel pump yesterday, it was bad, 10 PSI on fuel pressure tester now has 42 PSI. New fuel pump, new strainer, new fuel filter, new air filter, new spark plugs. Took for a test drive and all was well, son was so happy he washed the car, I took the hose and rinsed the engine off, it was full of sand and road salt. Hit the key after rinsing and car started fine, I probably should have let the engine warm up but didn't he finished cleaning and now car won't start..

Here are the 2 problems I have noticed since rinsing the engine off.


1)the left cooling fan comes on when the ign is turned on every time and stays on, it continues to run a few secs after turning off. Swapped both fan relays back and forth, no change.(engine is cold since it won't start)


2)car won't start, checked every fuse, have spark at plugs, plenty of battery, have power to fuel injectors, powered up the fuel pump test lead, pump checked out ok. Have 42 PSI fuel pressure.Pump does come on a few secs when ign is turned on. It won't fire at all, tried starting fluid in one cyl and it hit a little. Seems like no fuel getting past the injectors, new plugs are bone dry no fuel at all on them after cranking. I did notice that with the key on and depressing the schrader valve that fuel spurts out for a second then nothing. Have blown dry every connector I could find, including the 3 at the computer. Any chance rinsing the engine could have damaged the computer? Really weird problem any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, Mark


Ok if the car is cranking then you need to look at the following:

Three things are required to start a fire, spark,fuel,and air

My auto teacher showed me how to check for spark and fuel since they are the most common.

Fuel:Get some quick start and spray it in the throttle body while cranking, if the car starts and sputters and dies after you stop spraying quick start, then its a fuel problem

Spark:You can take a spare sparkplug and see if there is spark by connecting it to one of the spark plug wires.


ok sorry I didn't read your whole post. I think what you should do now is maybe get a spare computer and put it in just to save the hassle of replacing other things.


I would have to say that if you tried to start it right when everything was still wet, one of the many sensors could have shorted out and fried the ECM. I'd suggest hitting the boneyards to find a new computer, but before you put it in, probe the terminals at the computer's harness to be sure there are no sensors still shorting out. You may have to replace a few of those sensors first before trying the new ECM. You should try to find a Factory Service Manual on eBay, that will tell you which sensors connect where on the harness, and what the readings should be when you probe them...


Fixed, Good To Go, Back On The Road, Up N Running.

Got a boneyard ECM, car started as soon as I hit the key!!! 20 mile test drive to proof it out, restart, all seems fine. Thanks for the advice guys. ECM was 45 bucks.. Mark

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