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TPS sensor

Guest Gp crazy

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Guest Gp crazy

Does the TPS sensor triger the UP SHIFT LIGHT on my 89 GP 5 speed :?:


Because at 35 or so mph under 2000 rpm's. It's telling me to up shift :cry:

On the other hand your at 4200 rpm's in 4 th it's telling it's telling me to u\shift :shock: but this time it comes on twice once at 3800 & then 4200 & alos FALL'S on its face what is WRONG :?:

Also if i FLOOR IT form a stop it FALL's Flat on it's face :evil: but FEATHER the pedle it's fine :D

also no CHECK ENGINE LIGHT ?????????????????


im confused thank's jeff b


i don't know, but i'd be sure its bad if your gonna replace it because a new acdelco one is over $50

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