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Heres my problem: everytime I lift up my mat on the drivers side of the car the floor is always wet.I have the stock carpet then another piece of carpet and then on top of that a rubber mat. I lifted up the factory carpet and there are no holes, just a bit of rust by the e-brake cable, on the plug (right side of front floor pan), and some at the side, but all of this rust very minimal. I might take some rubber spray and use it on the areas with rust. I'm gonna also vacum it up really well. Other than that I don't know what else to do. Can anyone make any suggestions?


try it i'd want to get that water out of there


mercury marine makes a spray called corrosion guard that works well, its designed to prevent corrision on boats. you can get it at any boat or parts store. 'd spray that over the floor pan


Its not that bad its just soaked, I vacumed it up a few times but it didn't help much since its soaked into the padding underneath, I'm gonna pull it out this weekend dry it off and spray some rubber spray (for roof patching,driveways, i think boats too), that'll help.


You better find out where the water is coming from. If it only does it when it rains, you probably have a leaky window. If it does it all the time you better check your heater core. Also check and make sure the A/c Drain hose isn't pluged(on the fire wall behind the engine) if you have A/C.


ok well I know its not my AC and my window does not leak because i do not see any water on the door. I think it gets wet from underneath and then it doesn't have a chance to dry off because its covered by a mat.



Yesterday night (wasn't raining) I pulled the carpet and the padding for it to dry. Today we had to go somewhere and it was raining so I figured it wouldn't do any harm if the car is just parked for the day. I came back home and I found a bit of water in the car. Since my windshield is in good shape and there is no water around the top of the dash, its not leaking there. So i think my AC drain is plugged because its the only possibility left. Oh yeah and the floor is solid as a rock.


is it the A/C drain since the car was sittinng all day in the rain?


maybe try taking out some of the plastic pieces around the dash, and sitting in the car while someone uses a garden hose on the car maybe you'll find the leak.


My El Camino had the same problem... I found the problem and it was that there a hole in the cow and it was leaking onto the firewall and down o the floor.


cow hahaha ya I'm gonna take the garden hose idea and see if it works



I think its the drivers side door seal thats leaking, my autoteacher told me that it looks like the problem is there, so I'm gonna cut the weather stripping and put something in to bring it out.


Yeah, I had the same problem with my 90' Lumina. I had run some wires down through the fender, and into the passenger compartment via the rubber boot that runs from the door to the car (around the hinges). I had sortof shoved the boot out of the way a little bit, and evidently, that caused water to leak through on to the driver-side floor board. Just in case you've done something similar......


While the we're on the topic, does anybody know of any places to buy new weather stripping with decent prices?



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