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Gurgle Sound Post Tranny fluid/coolant swap (92 Regal 3800)

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Hello everyone,


Like an idiot I decided to do some work on the car today before searching the message board archives. I have now learned that I need to retrieve the old ATF pan gasket from the trash, and that I got lucky to get an aftermarket kit with a rubber gasket (purolator). Learning for next time!


Car was coming up on 50k (25k of which was me driving in metro atlanta), so it was time. I followed my Haines manual for the ATF swap. I had to chisel out the old filter seal, then tap in the new one, and then lightly mallet the filter up into that.


I alternatingly tightened all the bolts to 12 ft. lbs. with a torque wrench, and then added 7 pints of ATF, per the suggestion in the haines manual for the larger body GM cars w/ the 3800 series one motor.


I drove it 35 miles or so today (mostly on the highway), up to 85mph, and shifts are noticeably smoother. I think with the low mileage (geriatric former owner) I might have just pulled the original fluid.


Now the questions. There is a bit more whine now from the transaxle, is this normal?


Also, at idle outside the car I hear a bit of what sounds like a "gurgle" from low on the motor. I can't tell if it's in in the transaxle or not. I figure it might bit a bit of remaining trapped air in the cooling system, but I wanted to know if the transaxle could make such a noise.


I think there is a hair too much fluid in the transaxle, as it is still a bit in the hatches when the fluid is cold. Could this have some influence?


As a relative newbie, who tried searching beforehand, thanks for bearing with me!


you put 7 PINTS, or QUARTS? I just did a fluid pan drop/filter change on a 4T60-E and oddly enough it took 7 quarts to fill. Normally it only takes 5-6. Maybe it was because I had the car on ramps? Anyway check the fluid level with the engine running, you're either low or high most likely

you put 7 PINTS, or QUARTS? I just did a fluid pan drop/filter change on a 4T60-E and oddly enough it took 7 quarts to fill. Normally it only takes 5-6. Maybe it was because I had the car on ramps? Anyway check the fluid level with the engine running, you're either low or high most likely


Hey Brian,


I put in 7 pints (i.e. 3 1/2 quarts). Stated capacity is 6 quarts, and I have about 4 quarts in the catch resovoir. I had the car up on 4 jackstands when draining it, so it was level.


I checked the fluid with the engine running at idle several times yesterday, and the fluid appears clearly in hatch mark, but now you have me thinking it might be underfilled. I will go check it again right now.




I had checked my fluid with the engine idling and the trans fluid level seemed normal, but after you go thru the gears a couple times (I just went thru every gear then back to park) the true level of the fluid had dropped. Plus the act of removing the filter allows you to drain more fluid, and I don't know if the haynes manual accounts for that. As a minimum you should add 1 quart. These trannys CAN be overfilled by a quart without any harm or other adverse affects. If nothing else, it helps prevent the pump noise when making hard left turns. I just leave my fluid level at the very max of the dipstick and call it a day, but some people here add 1-2 quarts on top of that. Hope this helps!


the harm in overfilling a trans is the fluid will start to foam up and over heat much more easily.



I had checked my fluid with the engine idling and the trans fluid level seemed normal, but after you go thru the gears a couple times (I just went thru every gear then back to park) the true level of the fluid had dropped. Plus the act of removing the filter allows you to drain more fluid, and I don't know if the haynes manual accounts for that. As a minimum you should add 1 quart. These trannys CAN be overfilled by a quart without any harm or other adverse affects. If nothing else, it helps prevent the pump noise when making hard left turns. I just leave my fluid level at the very max of the dipstick and call it a day, but some people here add 1-2 quarts on top of that. Hope this helps!


Hey Brian,


I put it up to 5 quarts, and that quieted the gurgle and got rid of the whine. It's still in the middle of the hash marks when the fluid is hot, so it looks like I wasn't getting a true reading, which is sort of frustrating.


I didn't think about the additional fluid still retained in the filter.


Tonight I will try to bump it right up against the upper hash mark after the drive home.


Thanks all!


Hey Brian,


Tonight I will try to bump it right up against the upper hash mark after the drive home.



Yup! Do that and you're trans will be as happy as mine is.


i'm saying the gurgle sound is a tranny over-fill, if it was low it'd be shifting like shit.

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