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3.1 v6 overheating

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Hello newmember here. I got a 95 regal custom with the 3.1. My car seems to be overheating. Im thinking its the thermostat. Ive replaced them be4 but not in newer car. My question is where is the 'stat located. how easy(or hard) is to replace?


Holy crap...you have a '65 GS??? Can I have it?


Sorry...that was totally off-topic. Great to see a Buick fan, though. Welcome to the board.


My roommates uncle has a GSX.

The thermostat cover comes off with two bolts, and pops off. Then replace the stat, put the cover back on top off and bleed.


I have the same friggin problem. But only that my fans won't kick on. I left it running and all the sudden I hear this bubbling sound from the engine compartment and I was like "Holy Fuck!!" and jump in the car to shut it off ASAP; the temp guage was in the red. I don't know what it is but, I'm planning on wiring in a manual fan switch. Whenever I have the AC on the driver's side fan will kick on no problem, but without the AC on, it'll overheat.


My car does that too. The fan motor is going i think. I can let it sit for a while, the fans will kick in after about 5 minutes of being a hair away from the red zone, in neutral the fans kick in a little sooner. It pisses me off. Never thought about the t-stat.


I had the same problem on my 93 lumina on the way to work tonite. Its the first time I've noticed it. I was sitting in the drive thru line at Taco Bell and it started to go hot. The warning light in the corner of the gauge was begininng to flicker off and on. I turned on the A/C and it cooled right down. I pulled into the next parking lot and checked under the hood to find that only one of the cooling fans is running. I always thought that if the A/C was on both fans should be running. Is there a temp/relay switch for the main cooling fan that goes bad here? or is the fan motor shot? I'm getting ready to head out on vacation next week and I would like to get this prob fixed before I go....any info you can throw my way? other than a thermostat?


the second fan only comes on when the ac is on max and fan on high


thanx for that valuable tip...these things are very good to know!...and thats the greatest thing about boards like this one, you could have had to pay someone who knows how much to learn that info the hard way. A lot of car repair shops will gladly take your money if you dont know how to troubleshoot things like this...and many aftermarket help manuals dont always have all the info you need either.

At any rate, evidently my relay may have been bad since the driver side fan was not coming on unless the A/C was on. I swapped the relay today and now that fan is cycling whenever the temp gauge reaches the 3/4 mark or so even with the A/C off. I'll have to check out the secondary fan when I get off work today by following the previous info.

Thanx guys!

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