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It's an '89 Grand Prix, and is used as my second car. Not in great shape. But I've recently replaced the water pump, and radiator hoses. Then last week, the stupid thing dumps it's coolant all over the ground. It's coming from somewhere in the back of the engine. Seemed to be a minor leak for awhile, just a little bit of steam. What's back there that would cause this? I checked the oil, just to be sure of a headgasket, and it's clean. It doesn't hold hardly any coolant now. If I put some in, it will just dump it back out of the rear of the engine(rear meaning firewall side).


Anyone know what the problem might be?

bad heater core, heater core pipe or heater core hoses?


I thought the heater core was inside the car? I will have to check the hoses back there though. Didn't really think of those before.


The metal coolant lines like to rust out....those are your most likely culprit

Guest TurboSedan


I thought the heater core was inside the car? I will have to check the hoses back there though. Didn't really think of those before.


it is, however it drains outside. look for an 'L' shaped rubber tube on the firewall and see if your leak is coming from that.


Upon further inspection, it seems to be located on the right side, rear of the engine. I can't see anything on the firewall that is leaking. I can see part of the heater core lines coming out of the engine block. There is a bit of rust on one, but it's not rusted out(in that spot). I can't get up there good right now to really inspect it. Probably need to get it on a lift(maybe tomorrow) to find out more. I'll definetaly have to check those metal lines there.


If that is the problem, is that a part I can readily buy?

Upon further inspection, it seems to be located on the right side, rear of the engine. I can't see anything on the firewall that is leaking. I can see part of the heater core lines coming out of the engine block. There is a bit of rust on one, but it's not rusted out(in that spot). I can't get up there good right now to really inspect it. Probably need to get it on a lift(maybe tomorrow) to find out more. I'll definetaly have to check those metal lines there.


If that is the problem, is that a part I can readily buy?


The lines are rather expensive if i recall correctly...best best is to go to a hardware store and pick up some rubber hose the same size as that coming off the water pump...and use it to replace the rusted part


But that's if it's those metal lines....it's like 4 am here...do you sleep? :lol:

Upon further inspection, it seems to be located on the right side, rear of the engine. I can't see anything on the firewall that is leaking. I can see part of the heater core lines coming out of the engine block. There is a bit of rust on one, but it's not rusted out(in that spot). I can't get up there good right now to really inspect it. Probably need to get it on a lift(maybe tomorrow) to find out more. I'll definetaly have to check those metal lines there.


If that is the problem, is that a part I can readily buy?


The lines are rather expensive if i recall correctly...best best is to go to a hardware store and pick up some rubber hose the same size as that coming off the water pump...and use it to replace the rusted part


But that's if it's those metal lines....it's like 4 am here...do you sleep? :lol:


Nope, I don't.. :) (I actually work nights right now, and it's my day off)


Ok, the lines I was looking at were the power steering lines. Followed them up by feeling them.


This damn car is annoying me. It won't stop leaking coolant. First the radiator hoses, then the water pump, now this!


The heater core lines are on the opposite side, the drivers side correct? Can't see any signs of a leak back on that side of the engine. If you are under the car, there is a small metal box like thing to the right of the oil pan, and the leak is coming from ontop of this thing. It runs down and around this metal box.

Upon further inspection, it seems to be located on the right side, rear of the engine. I can't see anything on the firewall that is leaking. I can see part of the heater core lines coming out of the engine block. There is a bit of rust on one, but it's not rusted out(in that spot). I can't get up there good right now to really inspect it. Probably need to get it on a lift(maybe tomorrow) to find out more. I'll definetaly have to check those metal lines there.


If that is the problem, is that a part I can readily buy?


The lines are rather expensive if i recall correctly...best best is to go to a hardware store and pick up some rubber hose the same size as that coming off the water pump...and use it to replace the rusted part


But that's if it's those metal lines....it's like 4 am here...do you sleep? :lol:


Nope, I don't.. :) (I actually work nights right now, and it's my day off)


Ok, the lines I was looking at were the power steering lines. Followed them up by feeling them.


This damn car is annoying me. It won't stop leaking coolant. First the radiator hoses, then the water pump, now this!


The heater core lines are on the opposite side, the drivers side correct? Can't see any signs of a leak back on that side of the engine. If you are under the car, there is a small metal box like thing to the right of the oil pan, and the leak is coming from ontop of this thing. It runs down and around this metal box.


Sounds like my old Nissan :lol:


Um...ok for the metal lines....follow the line out of the side of the pipe on top of the water pump...it'll start out as a rubber hose....but turn to metal and travel under the plastic paneling that hides the computer...it then goes up the firewall travels around the top of the firewall over to about where the throttle body is then goes through the firewall to the heater core....right blow it's enterance is another line coming out...it goes under the throttle body and air inake goes around the front of the engine near the valve cover and a hook right on top of the water pump again


The issue i had with my GP was when i changed the water pumped and moved those lines they're were rusted enough it broke in one spot and well the hole slowly got bigger

Guest TurboSedan
my bad double post...see below


you can delete posts completely as long as no one has replied you know :)

my bad double post...see below


you can delete posts completely as long as no one has replied you know :)


by golly you're right


too late now :P


Sounds like my old Nissan :lol:


Um...ok for the metal lines....follow the line out of the side of the pipe on top of the water pump...it'll start out as a rubber hose....but turn to metal and travel under the plastic paneling that hides the computer...it then goes up the firewall travels around the top of the firewall over to about where the throttle body is then goes through the firewall to the heater core....right blow it's enterance is another line coming out...it goes under the throttle body and air inake goes around the front of the engine near the valve cover and a hook right on top of the water pump again


The issue i had with my GP was when i changed the water pumped and moved those lines they're were rusted enough it broke in one spot and well the hole slowly got bigger


Hmm.. that does describe what has happened. After I put the new pump on, there was a tiny bit of steam. Then it seems to start dumping it after awhile. but this(as far as I know) wasn't happening before I did the pump. I'll go trace those lines now.


Water pump and it's lines. The one that goes to the right of the car, you can see it go into the firewall in the background. The one that goes in towards the engine, seems to go into the throttle body.



Power steering line here, and the leak seems to be coming from somewhere up behind this area.



These 2 are of the 'metal box' I referred to earlier. You can see the coolant dripping down.




i won't be able to help you much more until i go outside and look at my car :wink:


but...it looks like in those pics it isn't coming fromt those metal collant lines


check the little gasket on top of the waterpump that connects the metal line...they rott out after so long and could cause it to spray back into the power steering area


if it's not that i try to get a look where maybe it could be coming from on my car


most likely someone else will chime in before i get the chance to check my car


Well there is nothing wet in the water pump area. That gasket seems to be good. There is definetaly steam coming up from the underside of the engine when it's hot. Just can't locate easily right now. And I'm not sticking my hand down there on a hot engine, when the belts are spinning. :lol:


good idea...getting your fingers tore off would be bad :lol:


hey...look on the bright side...at least it's a visible leak :lol:

good idea...getting your fingers tore off would be bad :lol:


hey...look on the bright side...at least it's a visible leak :lol:


Pfft... visible, yes. Just not readily visible! I liked the hose leak I first had. Stupid thing would squirt straight up in the air! Open the hood, and I had a 2ft tall green fountain. Now THAT was a visible leak. :D


reminds me of animaniacs.


Good idea....trying to find leak before driving


Bad idea...trying to find leak WHILE driving

Well there is nothing wet in the water pump area. That gasket seems to be good. There is definetaly steam coming up from the underside of the engine when it's hot. Just can't locate easily right now. And I'm not sticking my hand down there on a hot engine, when the belts are spinning. :lol:


seems like you are still sharp as a tack. if this is who i think it is. from SIN right?


keep asking and eventually these guys will hook you right up.




just something about your name that stands out.



still got a Sube?




It could also be a freeze plug, sometimes they corrode and randomly decide to start leaking. The good news is thats only like $1 to fix the bad news is its a total PIA.

It could also be a freeze plug, sometimes they corrode and randomly decide to start leaking. The good news is thats only like $1 to fix the bad news is its a total PIA.


How does one get to the freeze plug, and where is it? The Haynes manual doesn't mention them(that I can find).

just something about your name that stands out.



still got a Sube?




Actually, I have 3 cars right now. The Subaru, this Pontiac, and an old Volvo. Both the Pontiac and Volvo are broke right now though.

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