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Great Engine Degreaser


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If you guys can find some you'll definitly want to try out some stuff by Gumout called Steam Premium Xtra Duty Engine Degreaser. It comes in a black spray can (about $3) and works freakin wonderfully. One can was enough to clean my entire engine bay. The best part is you don't have to scrub anything. Not even the hardest buildup. Just spray the stuff on a warm engine and hose it down a couple minutes later. I couldn't believe it, all the degreasers I've tried before you had to scrub for them to do any good at all, this one you ACTUALLY just sprayed on and hosed off.


I'll end the rave now since I'm not getting paid for this endorsement.

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I have used that stuff, i think it was that. It may have been call steam clean or something. But it was in a can, it was cheap, and it cleaned well. When I used it, i sprayed it on, and let the engine run and start steaming the stuff off, then i shut the engine off, got all the spots i missed, and stuck a hose in dat der engine bay.



EDIT: Works wonders, but ihavent found a place that has sold it since i ran out of the can i had.

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i never heard of that stuff by Gumout. Where did you get it??


What do you guys think about that Simple Green Automotive degreaser, I was thinking of trying taht.


I tried Bleach-White, that didnt work too well. someone told me that was good, but its really not.

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i never heard of that stuff by Gumout. Where did you get it??


What do you guys think about that Simple Green Automotive degreaser, I was thinking of trying taht.


I tried Bleach-White, that didnt work too well. someone told me that was good, but its really not.


Simple Green Automotive rules above all. It's all I've ever used.

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I use Castrol Super Clean.


This cleaner WILL damage/fade paint, so be careful(dilute the piss out of it) when using it on a car you care about. :wink: I've got a Volvo engine that suffered some paint fading from this cleaner(non-diluted because I didn't care about the greasy ass motor anyways). :wink:

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I use Castrol Super Clean.


This cleaner WILL damage/fade paint, so be careful(dilute the piss out of it) when using it on a car you care about. :wink:


Yes I forgot to mention that. Diluting it will also be easier on your lungs.

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Thats whats wonderful about this stuff. Its not a harsh base like most degreasers. Its some kind of soap that creates an emulsion with the grease instead of chemically breaking it down like most cleans do. So once its trapped in the soap it just washes right off. Plus it won't hurt your paint, rubber or plastic because it isn't strongly basic (a big no no for untreated aluminum surfaces by the way, ever wonder how DrainO works, its chunks of aluminum mixed with a strong base).


Oh, and I got the stuff at Meijer. So unless your in Michigan, Illinois or Ohio I'm not sure where to tell you to go.


I'll have to take some pics of my engine bay now, I just cleaned it up all pretty tonight. After degreasing it I sanded down the front valve cover since it was peeling and gave the intake and the cover a new coat of paint ceramic paint. Its a bit shinier than I would have liked, but it looks good anyways. I would recommend removing the intake for painting by the way, I did more masking in that damn engine bay than I did when I helped paint my friends house.

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i definitely gotta check out meijer. although, i was there yesterday and they didnt have it, let alone alot of car care stuff. Ill keep my eyes open

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I use Castrol Super Clean.


Castrol Super Clean will etch aluminum. If you start to notice the aluminum parts looking duller like it's dry and chapped, that's why.

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They're yours if you can give me some grey leather fronts and rears from a Cutlass coupe to replace them.


Oh, and the I found the stuff in the aisle with the fuel injector cleaner and all of the stop leak stuff at Meijer. What do you mean no car care stuff? The ones up here have like four huge aisles of car stuff. Its like Autozone minus the specific parts, in fact they probably have just as much stuff as autozone if not more.

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ive been thinking about degreasing my engine bay for some time now, and i only have one question


its it really ok to hose down the engine. ive always thought that it would harm ignition and other electrical componants....

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ive been thinking about degreasing my engine bay for some time now, and i only have one question


its it really ok to hose down the engine. ive always thought that it would harm ignition and other electrical componants....


I've always read that your supposed to cover up your electrical stuff when doing it.

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You could do that, or you could just be careful about what you spray. Just stay away from the ignition module and coils, as well as electrical harnesses and the battery. So obviously we're not talking about turning a a firehose on your engine bay, just enough water to clean things off.

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They're yours if you can give me some grey leather fronts and rears from a Cutlass coupe to replace them.


<------*cough* has charcoal leather *cough*


Deleting jeremy's post if i could...... :lol:

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what should i cover up my electronics up with?

Plastic bags and tape.

Hey guys, how safe is it to steam clean your engine/engine bay?

A lot of used car dealerships do it, so yes its safe, but just cover up anything electrical.


Whiteout, I returned your PM

Damn you.

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