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Cleaning the IAC- REAL FAST

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Do i just clean the tip of it? Or is there more to it than just that? I have it out right now, so i need an answer soon.


I've always just sprayed it down with fuel injection cleaner, and used a toothbrush. Be careful not to pull or push on the tip. Then let it dry before you reinstall it.


Make sure you get all the gunk out of the spring. I soaked mine in gas :oops: but it didn't break it and seemed to clean it.


How clean do you want it?

Once I lubed the IAC with white lithium grease in both the 88 and 89.

Big mistake, after a couple years, the grease turned to sticky goo. The IAC's were sticking in both cars and both stalling at stops.


I pulled out the IAC and with a rubber band, tied a plastic bag around it. Then I kicked on the ignition and the pintle popped completely out. That let me clean out the IAC body, pintle threads, and spring real good. Then I lubed the threads with 5W30 and threaded the pintle in as far as it would go. It's keyed, so it won't go all the way in, but I just turned it as far as it could go with the keyed part in the correct position. Then I loosely installed the IAC into the TB (it won't go all the way in). Then crank the starter for a second or two (it won't start with the IAC like that) and the IAC will suck the pintle back in. Voila! Super clean, and done.


I found this procedure to be pretty easy. Also a good rule of thumb is never use any kind of grease, especially white lithium grease, on an IAC! When I used motor oil, the IAC in both cars works perfectly for many years.

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