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Clay bar use


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This is exactly what my paint needs right now. However, I've heard they're quite tricky to use, and you can damage your paint quite badly if you screw it up. Any tips / advice?

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Oh....and dont forget to lube that sucker up. Cant use enough. Use the Quik Detail spray they gave you.


Many peoleple cut it up into smaller chunks....so there is less contamination. Personally..i just used the whole thing. Just rub (not to much pressure, and tons of lube) and you will hear it grinding away almost. When it quiets down..move to another spot. Kneed each time you lift it off the paint, over and over.


Also...some people keep em. They are so cheap..i toss em when im done.


some people even clay while/after washing their car when still wet and soapy. Just lube.


Gosh guys....i want a detail forum SOO BAD!!! Ill mod!


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hmmm, that sounds scary :shock:


fortunately, there's a few inconspicious spots that I can use to "get the hang of it"


I'm not so sure about this "grinding" sound. Shouldn't I just be able to run my hand over the area I've been working to see how it feels. and, how much pressure are talking here? about the same pressure you'd use to wash your car (assuming you're just cleaning, not scrubbing). Jeez, I must sound like an idiot... :P but I just really don't want to mess up my paint simply cuz I was careless.

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I wouldn't even call it "rubbing" When I did my car last fall, I just kind of ran the clay bar over the paint with LOTS AND LOTS OF LUBE and light pressure. The bar is smooth and so is your paint, I don't know where the griding noise comes from, but you CAN hear the bar working. I went in 12"x12" sections and some areas took a few passes, but you can hear and feel the differance when it's time to move on to another spot.


It lifts the oxidation right off like none other. It took me about 2 1/2 hours to do the Regal, but it was pretty bad as far as oxidation and rail dust goes (previous owner parked it at a train station every day for 7 years, paint felt like 300 grit sandpaper before I attacked it!)


Don't forget to rewax your car when you're done though. It WILL take all the old wax off too!

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I've used some of that Mother's three step wax before. the Step 1 cleaner worked really well at removing the oxidation... but I think this clay bar is the way to go... there's so much tar from that road construction I had to drive through every day that I don't think anything else will get it off.


What kind of strokes? circular, or back and forth?

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yah...not grinding really...but you hear it working.


it took me 6-8 hours to wash, clay, polish, wax my car. Then, put anohter coat of wax on 2 days later. I was sick too.


I have another one comming up soon, but Ill have help. I going to have the GF dismount the wheels, clean them, polish, and wax them, while i work the paint on the car.




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I going to have the GF dismount the wheels, clean them, polish, and wax them, while i work the paint on the car.


i wish i could find a girl who would clean my car!

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I going to have the GF dismount the wheels, clean them, polish, and wax them, while i work the paint on the car.


i wish i could find a girl who would clean my car!


Yeah.. tell me about it. My girlfriend want's nothing more to do with my car than to ride in it.. :roll:

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I washed and used cleaner wax on my car yesterday. Car looks brand new. Am thinking of trying out the clay bar as well. My paint looks almost brand new ( hehe the front bumper and hood and rear bumper cover ARE new paint jobs lol) Will prob try it on teh bf's truck first, cuz it needs a new paint job anyway :D


My bf had a hard time doing work on his car, and now his truck, because I like to work on em. Its torture for me to sit and watch. He and I usually will wash and wax and clean our car's on the same day, do one, then the otehr. Much faster that way.

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where do you buy this clay bar? and for how much? does it remove small scratches?


I would like to know this too. Does it work the same way (basically) as rubbing compound, or better (like wetsanding)?


BTW you if you wetsand your car, use rubbing compound, polish (the last 2 with a buffer) and wax you can make your paint look BETTER than new. Factory paint isn't perfect, there is sometimes imperfections in the paint so if you do all the extra work you'll have a totally mirror-like feel and shine :wink:

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walmart has a great one, clay magic, for less thatn $10. Its in the auto section. Another good one is Meguiars or Mothers, both available at pepboys and Autozone.


Hah. The GF still hasnt helped me work on the car, but really likes to watch and hand me stuff. She actually said it turns her on seeing me working under a car.


Hell. weve been together over 4.5 years now.



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