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using a buffer for wax


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hey, i'm in the process of waxing my gp, and after spending over an hour yesterday polishing it by hand, it's a lot harder to buff out the wax by hand (my arms are pretty sore). I just did the hood/front fenders and fender flares, and I'm running out of gas. Can you use an orbital buffer for waxing? That would make the job so much easier.


Also, what are some recommended brands of buffers? I dont want to spend too much on it, so what are the price ranges?

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for a newbie...pick up one of the $20 ones at walmart...pretty nice. THats what I use...and I have done this for quite a while. If you have the money, get a PorterCable buffer. $100+ though. I wouldnt recomend untill you get accustomed to real detailing. Hell...i dont even have one yet.


I dont know why the wax may be harder to remove...other than the fact that it may still have some resid. polish on thre...or there still is a ton of stuff on the paint. Did you clay bar it at all?


IM me if you need any help...im pretty much a Pro in this department.


make sure to kinda redo what you have done though...so it matches beter. What kind of wax are you using (b/c...some have cleaners...some dont). Let me know. If it has cleaners, you may wanan redo the prev. araeas. Just let me know the name.



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actually, it was hard to get off because my arms were sore, and i wasnt able to buff as hard/fast as i should. I just bought regular old turtle wax. I want to try a few different brands so i thought this was a good one to start out with.


I didnt clay bar, but i probably should have. What I did get done today (hood/fenders) were very glossy and clean, and came out nice, but i really didnt have the energy to finish any more (and now i heard that it is supposed to rain tommorow :evil: )


maybe i'll pick up one of those $20 ones you mentioned and try it out (i'm a total newb to detailing, this is the first car i really care about). I'll make sure to i.m. u if i have any problems, thanks.

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turtle wax is shit. Not the shit...but pure crap really.


IF you wanan start off with some of the best stuff out...try Meguiars new NXT...I have heard and seen RAVE reviews on it. I personally use their Pro lineup for my stuff!



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yeah i knew that turtle wax wasnt that good, but i just wanted to buy something cheap so i could get the knack of waxing. How often do you recommend waxing, because the next time i'll try meguiars.

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depeneds...ive been bad and havnet done mine since fall...but it still has wax on it (did 2 coats..no cleaners in the wax).


PErsonally...wax every 3 months or so. Polish and clay only 1-2 a year.



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If you haven't used:


1. claybar (I've never tried it myself, but am interested in it from what I hear), (or) 2000 grit and/or rubbing compound (buffer for the compound)




2. POLISH (use a buffer)




3. waxing will be more difficult by hand, because your paint is gonna eat it up. Waxing really shouldn't take long, and should be done by hand but it will if you have rough paint that needs number 1. and/or 2.



I agree with godofthunder that we need at least a basic FAQ on how to take care of your paint.. especially now that its spring and everyone wants their car to look good :!:

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i may even put together a FAQ for this. Or just answer every question that comes along. I was just hoping for a apparance forum eventually.


Also...i personally dont take that 2000 grit route. Just dont like the idea. THat...and clay bar works just as good. Also may be that mines newer (every older w i see looks terriable...mines super shiney without wax)



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I can understand where you are coming from about the 2000 grit wetsanding. I wouldn't want just anyone using it on my car. It really should only be used like once or twice in the paint's lifetime.. cause its removing paint! You gotta know what you are doing with sandpaper or else a few rubs too many and your clearcoat is gone.. then you just got dull looking paint.


Polish is really the key to making the car shiney, wax just protects it.

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polish is removing paint to....thats why you only want to do it at most 2 or so a year.


polish is more to remove marks in the paint...level paint off...since most scratches take away the glare caus of the way the light hits it.


glaze fills in those scratches that are to deep


and wax tops it off...and can increase depth



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i just washed and waxed my car friday. i didnt use my mr clean thing yet though cause i wanted it to be right (just in case i messed up) for next friday. i use the meguires 3 step system. it has the paint cleaner, the polish and the wax as the last step. HOLY SHIT my paint feels like glass. that stuff is kick ass. i was thinkin about the buffer but it gives me more time alone with my car lol. jk. my grilfriend gets so mad that i spend like 3 or 4 hours on my car.

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