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I need to know some symtoms of a few things

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How would the car run with a clogged fuel filter? What about the TPS going bad/is bad? The car keeps dying on my once it warms up when im coming to a stop/sitting at a stop sign or stop light. Any ideas?

you already got my input.


my guess is O2 sensor.


I'm also gonna clean the IAC like you also said.


tps,o2 sensor, and fuel filter all were replaced with the motor. along with map, ect,cps, the temp gauge sensor. i never replaced the iac. how is teh car idleing? what about power? is it misfiring? did u fix that alt problem?


did u check fuel pressure? its got a original fuel pump. spec is 41-47psi key on engine off. and all those sensors are gm too. the plugs are new, the wires are new. try putting the stock chip back in and see what u get. the car might have a bad pcm. u never know


Alternator is fixed, so its charging fine now. Idling, when i come to a stop or stopping, the cars rpms jump all over the place (800-2000) sometimes.


right now i am battling a similar problem.

hit up the search feature looking for stalling.

seems the TCC can cause this problem.

which is a solenoid on the transmission.


my GP runs ok to rough with no power at all.

runs better cool than warm

stalls when coming down from highways speeds to a stop or into town with slower speeds.


just not looking forward to replacing the TCC.




and only when hot, it has a new icm but not coils, it sounds like a ignition problem


Should i change the coils then? Yeah, only when its hot. Also, i was reading around, and this seems to happen when the TCC is going out. Did you replace it when you did all the other work?


if it was the tcc it would shudder when u stopped. i would replace the coils and icm. at least try it, but its a couple hour job in the driveway. u pretty much have to pull the starter make sure you label the wires


Hook a vacuum gauage up to the engine and watch the vacuum while holding the rpm's at about 2500, if you start to loose vacuum, I would suspect the catalytic converter, since it sounds like you replaced nearly everything else.


like 4spdz34 said, it if was the TCC solonoid, it would feel more like a shudder, as if you were in a manual trans. car and not pushing in the clutch when stopping.


the coils CAN cause this, but not always, my friends 94 N-body is doing the same thing, and we know for sure it's the IAC, just too lazy to replace it any time soon because we're rebuilding an engine for his car.


try for the easy things before you start digging into the harder things.



well mine shudders when i slow down from highways speeds. tis why i say mine is the TCC.


Mine has been doing this for a LONG time. Can you explain if this happens when on the brakes, or just letting off the throttle? Thanks!

Oh yeah, it's a 95 olds cutlass supreme 3.4l.




i head down the road and set the cruise at 60.

coming to a stop sign i hit the brake to turn off the cruise and let it coast down. depending on distance to stop sign i start to brake. about the time it gets to about 20mph or so it starts to shake a little bit. as i come to a complete stop still in drive and braking it stalls. put in neutral and it starts fine. put it in gear and it stalls as soon as i put it in drive. does this several times before it straightens out and goes in gear without stalling.


hit the search featuer at the top of the page. do a search for stalling.

and start the read process.




When I clean the IAC, do i just clean the tip of it, or do i clean the inside of it too?


Well, i cleaned it today(not the greatest job though), and it hasn't acted up since then. I'm gonna take it apart and clean it like Shawn did eventually.


There was quite a bit of carbon on the rag that i cleaned it off with, and that was just the tip. I had to clean it twice to get it almost down to bare metal(the tip).


be careful with it.

did you spray some cleaner on it or just wipe it with a rag?



be careful with it.

did you spray some cleaner on it or just wipe it with a rag?




Sprayed with cleaner than wiped it off.


I had similar experience about 2 years back. Went thru a whole bunch of stuff, checked the fuel line, at 32psi, finally the fuel pump stopped. Replace the fuel pump and everything works fine !. Empty and Dropping the fuel tank, replace the tank can take sometime.


Well fuck, its starting to act up again. Not dying as much when im at a stop/coming to a stop, but when im cruising along, if im lightly on the gas, the car will surge.

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