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My first car (LOTS OF PICS)


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lol..paintence my friend...i got the parts i need ot upgrade my server today...so i had to shut it off...right now the pics should be loading off my laptop...let me know if they still don't work


EDIT: fixed it...sorry about that...i thought i had it working

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I have very strong hatred for 3100 engines, and i will NEVER own another car with that engine in it after mine.


:lol: I feel the same way you do.. only about the 3.4. I've had less expense with the 3.1/3100 in the 300,000 miles I've owned them than I had in the 15,000 miles I had the 3.4

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yeah im lucky that it came with those rims because whenever I se another cutty on the road they all have horendous hubcaps, the AAA sticker is coming off as soon as I get some of that tar and glue remover crap.

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in responce to the 3.1/3100 issue i havent any complaints the motor is very reliable compared to the 3.4 DOHC and the only problems i've had are inferior rebuilds. I love the sage green color maybe you could upgrade to the Wing taillights

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well guys, i was going to use my birthday money for a flowmaster muffler, but after today i'm pretty sure i can't do that


I was driving to work going down a steep hill when a guy pulls out in front of me, pretty much cut me off. I gave him about 1 1/2 cars worth of distance and he then proceeds to jam on his brakes forcing me to hit mine and veer into the other lane to avoid hitting him. just as my front goes along side his bumper he turns left like hes going to try a fucking 3 point turn, this is going downhill and coming up to a sharp right. I had to squezze myself alongside the guardrail and hit it in order to avoid hitting him because I still wasnt stopped. So no the drivers side of my car has some nice drag lines from the front to back, and the door is sprung a little, and there are some minor dents. My brother in law (a mechanic) checked it out and said its not that bad we can fix it up by ourselves, but fuck man, my girl had such a flawless paintjob and body I am so pissed at this. When I came to a complete stop I jumped out of the car and started cursing at the guy and telling him to get out of his car, I am pretty scary when I'm pissed and I have a HORRIBLE temper I was ready to kill this fucker. He then responds by saying, "this isn't my fault I have nothing to do with this" and drives off. Some people I know know who he is and revenge will be harsh but for now I shall just nurse my girls wounds..... :bawl:

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ive seen that color on an older prix like a 92 or so...but cool car, and i like the 3100...its dependable, torquey and virtually problem free....not dissin on the 3.4 but like the other guy said i wouldnt wanna own one.

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yup, car has enough torque to spin my wheels pretty damn well which I love. An update on the accident situation. I found where the guy lives, and last night my friends got a little payback, they love my car too. :P I wish I could get pics of the damage but its raining out right now, maybe tomorrow.

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I don't hate 3.1/3100's


but i want a car that'll do a 1/4 mile in under 16 seconds stock...a naturally aspirated 3.1 just can't do that stock...that's why i'd never buy another one...and why i'm selling mine...to get a Turbo 3.1 of course


not saying it's a bad engine...it a great engine just not enough power for my taste

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I don't hate 3.1/3100's


but i want a car that'll do a 1/4 mile in under 16 seconds stock...a naturally aspirated 3.1 just can't do that stock...that's why i'd never buy another one...and why i'm selling mine...to get a Turbo 3.1 of course


not saying it's a bad engine...it a great engine just not enough power for my taste


the issue of pulling decent times is not with the 3.1/3100, the issue is with the heavy a$$ w-body that has the engine in it......my fiero only had the 2.8 (3.1's little brother) mated with a 4spd manual and I ran a quarter mile in 15.4sec ....and that was with 115,000 miles on the original motor/tranny....

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I don't hate 3.1/3100's


but i want a car that'll do a 1/4 mile in under 16 seconds stock...a naturally aspirated 3.1 just can't do that stock...that's why i'd never buy another one...and why i'm selling mine...to get a Turbo 3.1 of course


not saying it's a bad engine...it a great engine just not enough power for my taste


the issue of pulling decent times is not with the 3.1/3100, the issue is with the heavy a$$ w-body that has the engine in it......my fiero only had the 2.8 (3.1's little brother) mated with a 4spd manual and I ran a quarter mile in 15.4sec ....and that was with 115,000 miles on the original motor/tranny....


Hmm...good point...i'm shutting up now

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