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Hey yall,


I'm looking into putting a in-car tv, in my 92' Cutlass Supreme Sl (Coupe). Do any of you know where I can find high quality monitor/dvd combo, without a radio built in? The monitor and dvd can be seperate pieces, or one package. Anybody got suggestions?

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First thing I'd do is check out Crutchfield and see what they have to offer (just don't buy anything yet.) After you look there, make note of any model numbers and then scan eBay. You will always find cheaper prices on eBay. I have ordered several electronic items over eBay from retailers and have never had any problems...

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I wouldn't put any monitors in the front just because it doesn't seem right to watch TV while driving, call me crazy. I'm currently accruing funds to put in a DVD drive in the rear console, and two monitors in the headrests. I will have it wired into my stereo, whcih is the 6x9s in the back, and the 5 1/4's I put in the sides (a la convertables.) and the two 10" subs for the seat vibration. This leaves the front stereo speakers alone should I choose not to hear the movie and rather listen to my own music or radio, but I will put in a switch to choose between that and the whole car stereo as the sound for the DVD. I may do it via my XBOX, or maybe put in a dock for my laptop. Who knows, at least I'm thinking.

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I wouldn't put any monitors in the front just because it doesn't seem right to watch TV while driving, call me crazy.


I wouldn't be watching it when driving, the passenger would. But when I'm parked I plan on using it. Such as during break over at work, or when waiting for the significant other to get out of the store. I'm sure there are plenty of other reasons, I'll think 'em up later. :roll:

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Whats the point of being in a car and not driving???


Well, its because there are times where I'm going to be in the car and not driving. And if I'm bored while waiting for my girl to get out of the store, I'd rather watch a dvd, than sit and stare into space. Just me.... :)

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crutchfield is fucking expensive as hell. i just ordered a tv from etronics.com and saved about 300 from crutchfields price. The new pioneer is bad ass and has a 6.5 or 7 inch screen tv/dvd/cd for like 1300 bux. I am puttin my PS2 in my car so i dont need dvd so i saved a butt load of cash. Just to let you know dont get touch screen, it is a pain in the ass to clean and a waste of cash. Later Jay

if any questions pm me or aol im


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I am puttin my PS2 in my car so i dont need dvd so i saved a butt load of cash.



Ohh, good point. I forgot the PS2 has a dvd player in it, thanks dude. Where would you plug a stand alone monitor into the ps2?

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I have that pioneer head unit that xtremelumina92 was talking about except mine is just the cd player/6.5 inch screen. I went on ebay and got a car dvd player for like $60 so its not that expensive and put in my center console. The problem with the screen in the front is that its illegal to drive with the screen up at least where i live it is. And with the headunits that have the screen they have a parking break ground wire so the only time that the screen will play movies is when the parking break is on. You can get away with this by using that wire and grounding it to a seat bolt or something like that and it will play all the time. I have gotten a ticket before for this and the officer knew exactly how i wired it too. I am also putting a 10 inch flip down in the rear over the summer and in the rear center console will be the ps2 so someone can play games in the rear while someone in the front can watch a movie. Visit my www page and see the headunit on page 3.


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