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Custom Cold Air Intakes for W-Bodys -- is there demand? *Was

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Well if it ain't Aaron advertising on a W-body board :lol:


I havn't seen you/your cars in a while, dunno if that is good or bad though...


I spent nearly 140$ on mine, and it came powdercoated my choice of color. I did relocate the battery(I don't see why this is bad other than it eats my alternators like they're steaks). I don't see how you'd do one on the 3.4. It could be done if you removed the washer tank, horns, and cut the sheetmetal out of the way. Same as I did, just go over and in front of the battery. But that is still a lot of work and just as equal to mine, yet I kept my washer tank and one horn(you'd need to move both I'd assume).


I don't mean to come off as a disbeliever cuz anything can happen(hell who woulda thunk equal lengh headers), but it will not be easy on a 3.4L vehicle to get true cold air. Bt have fun I wish the best for ya, we need all the aftermarket we can get.


Yeah, I'm going to design one for a 92 Cutty as soon as I get my next parts shipment in, which should be in the next week.


I'll keep ya'll informed :)


alright cool


that will fit like half the cars on this board

  • 4 weeks later...

I'D be interested in that custom intriguing 3.5 intake. I've got a nice custom one now pulling air from the fender, but a true cold air kit is better



99 Intrigue GLS 3.5

97 TaHOE LT blown 5.7




i would buy




If its not too late Im interested for a 94 3.1 MPFI for a 94 lumina


definite interest her for a 95 cutty 3100, lets us know what your plans are.



i would buy




Does Shane (mandsproduction) still make the coldz intake for the DOHC? That's where I got mine. The site isn't up anymore, and I've read he's busy with some TGP stuff. BTW, I really don't think it will be possible to do this properly without relocating the battery on a 3.4 car. There's just no room in there. It may be possible with a 3.1/3100, but I'd say it will still require some modifying.


I just added a intake to my 3.4 LQ1 and it took me less than 20 minutes. I bought a ractive intake for a '00 - '04 civic at JB's powersource for $59. Took it home , cut 6" off the straight side and removed the stock intake. I STRONGLY advise that you get your hands on a pair of 8" long needlenose pliers to replace the retainer ring on the air sensor. If you pull the rubber plug out of it's hole the sensor sits in beautifully without any splicing or leaving it hanging @ the firewall. The little hose that comes with the intake fits nicely on the oil press return and loops through the fuel lines in a horsehoe with no kinks and onto the intake tube. I forced the rubber fitting onto the elbowed end and pushed it into the throttle body intake and mounted the filter. The bracket holds it nicely if you feed one bolt through the filter clamp and the other to the factory airbox hole front left. I also have polished catback exhaust with 2 9" barrel mufflers (3" in 4.5" out). The extra power and VERY throaty sound from the intake is well worth the time and money here guys.


hey, can ya get a picture of that setup for us?




I want a CAI ... for my 3100! ;-D I'll test ... tell me where to send the money man! ;-D

  • 2 months later...

Welp, I know it's been a month or 2 since I've posted about the intakes, but MAN, I've been busy! I've been booked solid the last 2 months either with events (Berettafest), 5spd conversions, or motor swaps!


I finally got my schedule cleared up a little to start some more intake development, but I'm now in need of some test vehicles. My friend with the 92 Cutty 3.1 isn't around anymore so the only thing I had to make an intake on was the 3.5 Intrigue. http://www.tranzgenic.com/intakes/35intrigue


So, bascially, I need someone in the Colorado area that's willing to let me use thier car as a "test mule".



Just wondering, but what cars are you planning intakes for? I'd kill for a 3100 one for my CS. The short ram intake just doesn't do it for me.



Hey Aaron if ya want, you can use mine since I am nearby. Hell you can even copy my intake :lol:


And mine already has the fender plate cut out and everything moved, so that will make that easier...

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