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its a sad day for GP Owners!!


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Oh man...not that shit again...the ebay description had to read "Modded Mad Max Grand Prix"....looks to be a 94+, yet it has a piece of B4U from 91-93 in front of the rear tire. :lol:

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Yes, that thing was on eBay last summer. I saved the pics since it was so atrocious. I remember there were 4 bids on it -- some poor fool actually bought it! I bet there's a lot of flex in the door posts after the top was chopped out (the body is probably pretty weak too). Notice the '94-'96 B4U front with the rest being '91-'93 B4U except fot the doors which look like '88-'90 SE moldings. The front side marker was "customized" and the rear one looks to be filled in (probably done just for the sake of changing something). Are those pipes exiting before the rear wheels? I wish I had the money to throw away like that person who "modded" that car did.


Here's the other views:


Ah yes, that scoop; I don't even know what to say. Hood pins too.


Homemade speaker "pods". "Breadbox" console ala '78-'86 Monte Carlo (watch your knees on that one). Regal(?) steering wheel (again just for the sake of changing something). Notice the quality of the paint on the rear quarter.


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speaking of that cool roof and having lots of body flex, we got the square tubing in at the shop I work at, so we're going to start re-enforcing the whole bottom half of my car in prep for that same mod, altho we're going to hold onto all the parts, measure everything carefully and add seals and things so I can still put the roof in whenever I wish, but right now my only issue is with the top of the doors for the window seals ... but I'm still pretty much in the planning stage, we won't cut anything untill we're 100% sure of everything we're doin' to 'er.

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Ive seen that thing on the road somewhee.. I followed it for a while, and it looked like it was "wobbly".. almost like Jello.. I turned into the same gas station as th guy and asked where the hell he got a monstosity like that.. He said he got that "Dream Machine" (His words) off ebay.. I never saw it on there, and I wasn't driving a W then.. I just laughed my ass off, and I think he was finally embarhassed at my insults.. THat scoop BTW looked like it was made out the tin/aluminum thy use to make furnaces on the top, and it almost looked like wood and bondo on the sides :shock: Damn that thing is fugly..

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Prepare to be hit. That car looks like its owned by a mullet ricer.


I had something witty to say about it until I read that.......


"MULLET RICER"..................that says it all !

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that car is just sad, they had to sell it on ebay because looking at the car in person ,you prolly wouldnt buy it, i just feel sorry for the dumb bastard that bought it

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Considering the person who probably raped this car, I post these lyrics.



Do something about your long, filthy hair

It looks like a rat's nest

Do something about your mullet

Get out the hair clippers, jerk


Cut the mullet

Cut the mullet

Cut the mullet

Cut the mullet


Get the rat's nest off your head

Get that crazy-ass mullet off your skull

Take your ass to the barber shop

Tell the barber that you're sick of looking like an asshole


Cut the mullet

Cut the mullet

Cut the mullet

Cut the mullet


The mullet is the reason why people hate you

They are sick of looking at your nappy weed-sack

Nobody wants to look at you with that mullet on your head

Why don't you cut that mullet, you numbskull


Cut the mullet

Cut the mullet

Cut the mullet

Cut the mullet



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