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red power steering fluid


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My ex put my power steering pump in when it broke. Since then it has been very loud. yesterday I had no power steering so I checked the fluid. it was very low, so I went to autozone to get some. When I filled it I accidently put too much in, so I took some back out and found it to be a very red color. What could he have put in it for it to be red? It is also very thick, like maple syrup.


It is still very loud... maybe the red stuff is causing it? I don't know how to flush all the fluid out, is there a way to?

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Mine makes a whinning sound that is louder then my engine. At the slightest turn of the steering wheel it gets even louder. I bought a new/rebuilt one from Autozone because it was just as loud with the old one in. The one I bought didn't come with the pully or resevour, I had to take them off my old one and put them on the new one. I am almost 100% sure the noise is the power steering pump because of it getting louder when the wheel is turned. My ex's brother said he might have used brake fluid in it because he had used that for power steering fluid before. whatever it is doesn't look like it mixes well with the real power steering fluid and seems a lot thicker. This is also the same ex who loosened the front calipers so they fell off when I was less then 50 feet from getting on the highway. It got wedged between the control arm and the rim and locked up the front tires instantly. After that he put the slice in the coolent hose I fixed a couple days ago. It looked like he took a hacksaw blade and pounded on it to make the hole because there were 2 very tiny holes right next to each other with no rust or the scrapes in the black paint anywhere by the holes.


Really the red stuff could be anything I guess. It does seem strange to me that there was no red fluid on the floor, and I have driven my car less the 15 miles in the 4 months since it was changed but there was almost no fluid in it. I know it had fluid in it because after he changed it I checked the level when it was still making noise.


I'm thinking I should get a different pump (it's lifetime warrenty anyway) and flush the lines as PaPaPooh said to (Thanks for advising me). Is there any reason I need a new resevour or pulley? Is there anything else I should do or anyone think I should do something else?

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Maybe its just me, but I had one hell of a time getting the resevior to seal properly when I replaced the pump. I ended up saying f**k it and ran out and bought one with the resevior. But like I said, it could just be me.. I have no patience.

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I reused my reservoir. Just remove 2 clips. Wasn't anything to it.


i did the same


the new one is louder than the old i found that strange


i do need to flush mine also

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Sounds like it might be best to avoid the EX and his family. They got car maintenance deficits.


"Hey, this here brake fluid looks just like power steering fluid....should work fine."

"Hey, this here new fangled orange coolant just mine work in the tranny...it's kinda like red. Maybe Ize could mix it up with a bit "O" brake fluid to thicken it up."


Just funnin' no offence meant to you and your's.

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"Hey, this here brake fluid looks just like power steering fluid....should work fine."

"Hey, this here new fangled orange coolant just mine work in the tranny...it's kinda like red. Maybe Ize could mix it up with a bit "O" brake fluid to thicken it up."



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I reused my reservoir. Just remove 2 clips. Wasn't anything to it.


The 3100 has to be different from the 3.1.. I don't remeber any simple method.

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