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Running rough at low rpm

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Hey guys, long time no talk, i've been so busy juggling 2 jobs that I've been online only on my phone and only get to my computer on sundays now. My 3.1 has been running really really rough until it gets past 3k. It feels like its running on less then 6 cylinders. I'm thinking maybe a plug fouled or its out of time. The exhaust stinks too so I'm thinking maybe like the cat is clogged or something but the floor isn't hot and it isn't glowing. Any other ideas?


hey whats up. I got a 1990 pontiac 6000 as my winter ride with the same engine, it had the same problem but I changed the wires and plugs and that seemed to clean the ploblem up a little but it still sputters and spits at idle. try wires and plugs, if that dont help try fuel injector cleaner to clean out the injectors. hope i helped


it could be a clogged cat. However, if you aren't getting a spark on all cylinders, which is common, then the gas is leaving those cylinders and most likely burning IN your catalytic converter. It'll probably glow red after running for a while. Check your ICM and coils. Then check your wires for resistance then pull and replace the plugs.

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