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please read lumina acting up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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ok this is whats going on

1- when i start the car the idel with go up too like 1500 and when i start to drive and i come to a stop sign the idel will drop to like 500 and then jump back up to 1500 and then drop back down, it just goes up and down up and down so thats the first probelm


2- ok 2 weeks ago i did the intake on my car and now since its been done when im on the freeway or going up a hill at like 45 or 50 the car seems like it wasnt to die, like if im going 50 and then i let of the gas and then try to give it gas it will start to puttt and doesnt want to go anywhere i was told maybe its the plug wires but what ya thing



ok the car is 92 chevy lumina with the 3.1 thanks guys


whas poppin?, ok ur 1st problem sounds like the alt. goin bad. when the rpm fluxuate at a stop sign, does the lights go dim? what engine do u have? if its the 3.1 then its easy to replace but on the 3.4 the alt is all up under the motor and ur labor charges will go thru the roof. im not sure about the second problem, that sounds like wires or plugs or somethin, hope i helped


well i know it aint the alt cause that new like a month ago and the lights dont dim


Yeah.....a bad alternator will not make the rpm surge. Your first problem is most likely a bad IAC motor. The second problem could be the EGR....or something in the ignition, like a coil


the reason for taking th intake was cause i had a coolant leak

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