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have any one ever heard or had any problems at all with the 3.8L engines.


I'm getting really tired of my car going in and out of shops all the time and I'm thinking that i want a 97+ grand prix gt or gtp. both come with the 3.8L engine and I'm wondering if any one have heard of any problems at all with them or maybe any problems them cars might have.

I want a GTP because of the supercharger but just really don't want someting that will be needing alot of work.

Just check the gaskets to make sure they are not leaking!!

Valve cover gaskets?


Mine leak very little. I don't even worry about it.


valve cover gaskets leaking i wouldn't care about because i can fix that easy. the thing is people say 3.1 are good but when the first one blew at 78k and now this one has been using oil from day one from a rebuilt i REALLY don't like them and don't want to worry about what might happen with this one if the oil problem is fixed or if it is just replaced like it should be and most likly will be under the warranty.

the thing is people say 3.1 are good but when the first one blew at 78k

What are you doing, or NOT doing, to have such a bad experience with the 3.1?

the thing is people say 3.1 are good but when the first one blew at 78k

What are you doing, or NOT doing, to have such a bad experience with the 3.1?


2 weeks after i got it the head gaskets blew (guy that had it before me never fixed them right). then July 21 I spun a rod bearing and fucked up a rod so we put in a rebuilt one from a store and that one have been using oil from day one. all the problems with the engines i didn't cause.


I'm just tired of not having my car all the time and the ones that rebuilt the engine want my mechanic to find out what is wrong with my car and then fix it rather then just replace the engine and have them find out what they did wrong and they could fix it.


I like my car but unless it start working like it should it is time for it to go and to get some thing newer. also of all the cars that i see in my mechanics shop getting major work done to the engine there are a lot more 3.1L in there and right now he is replacing another 3.1


they leak from the oil pan to caus eof how it was shaped, there are ripples in the sealing surface of the pan in the corners.


IMO, the 2.8/3.1 is the strongest 60v6 made, period. I have personally beat the bejesus out of mine for 30+k and never failed me. Chances are u spun a bearing because the coolant from the head gasket did not allow for proper lubrication to the lifters and bearings. Why the headgaskets went, I am willing to bet the antifreeze had not been changed for 70+k originally and the oil went well over its 3k life.


I honestly used 2 run the 3.1 up to 7k rpms and run it hard on a daily basis. I swear any other motor would have pooped long before.


The L67 (supercharged 3800) is a DAMN reliable motor, its few weakness being the lower intake gasket, the plastic lower intake manifold (if its the l67 which I might be mistaken with.)


The biggest pluses with the L67 is how easy they are to mod, how well they react to mods and how reliable they are.


Personally, if I was looking for a reliable motor, wasn't looking to spend much and didn't need much power, id rebuild that 3.1 motor and drive the hell out of it, just make sure u maintain it.


best of luck,




Composit intake manifold=BLAH. The L36 I have in my garage was the victim of the infamous intake coolant leak. It hydro'd a cylinder. I paid $200 for it, and have already made my money back (The injectors just HAPPEN to be the same flow (22#) as the TGP 3.1 Turbo.) I believe they changed the intake later on (can't give a for sure date though) there was a steam pocket forming and burning a hole in it (IIRC). Other than that, it's a good motor I guess. It's no 60* V-6 :lol: J/K, I love that motor, that's why I'm building a 3800S2 Turbo.


They eat alternators and waterpumps consitently, but other than that they're excellant motors. The majority of them do seem to exhibit some sort of throttle linkage problem though. Whenever the car sits for a while the first time you press on the gas pedal it will want to stick and not move, but this only happens the first time you press it down. Go figure.


My parents have had three cars with the 3800 series II and none of them have ever had any major problems, and they pretty much ignore any maintenance your suposed to do besides changing the oil. So I figure if they can get 150,000 plus miles on all of them (my dad does a lot of driving for work) consistently with out killing the engine that GM must have done something right.

IMO, the 2.8/3.1 is the strongest 60v6 made, period. I have personally beat the bejesus out of mine for 30+k and never failed me. Chances are u spun a bearing because the coolant from the head gasket did not allow for proper lubrication to the lifters and bearings. Why the headgaskets went, I am willing to bet the antifreeze had not been changed for 70+k originally and the oil went well over its 3k life.


I honestly used 2 run the 3.1 up to 7k rpms and run it hard on a daily basis. I swear any other motor would have pooped long before.


The L67 (supercharged 3800) is a DAMN reliable motor, its few weakness being the lower intake gasket, the plastic lower intake manifold (if its the l67 which I might be mistaken with.)


The biggest pluses with the L67 is how easy they are to mod, how well they react to mods and how reliable they are.


Personally, if I was looking for a reliable motor, wasn't looking to spend much and didn't need much power, id rebuild that 3.1 motor and drive the hell out of it, just make sure u maintain it.


best of luck,




Well i will NEVER EVER buy a car with a 3100 in it after all the problems with this car. my brother's car also with a 3100 has a knocking sound from the engine that is because GM didn't put the right size pins in to connect the piston and connecting rod (forgot what they are called at this time, i think wrist pin) and there was a service bulletin sent out about one month ago that said that i was told. the car will get a rebuilt engine put in it or have this one fixed but i don't want a engine that might have another problem with it because the people that rebuilt it can't do it right.


I like my car and i also like the 97+ GP but i HATE 3100 engines and no matter what people say i will always hate them.

any problems with 3800 engines?

Yeah, they're 90º, iron-headed boat anchors. :lol:



got a question: If you get a '93+ 3800 with the POS plastic manifold, can you directly bolt on the metal one from '92 prior?

got a question: If you get a '93+ 3800 with the POS plastic manifold, can you directly bolt on the metal one from '92 prior?

are you talking about the w-body 3800's?


I think the 91,92 W-body 3800's had plastic upper intakes as well, they were just a different color.


91 Regal 3800



My 93 3800


They look the same.

I think its the lower intake thats plastic, not the upper.



No my upper is definately plastic, and the lower is definately metal.


um...no the 91-92 upper intakes have to be metal (Ive knocked on plenty) and don't have the recycle triangle stamped on it in 2 places (that tells ya how long it's supposed to last eh? Save the Earth!!) Anyway I need to know if they are otherwise the same.

um...no the 91-92 upper intakes have to be metal (Ive knocked on plenty) and don't have the recycle triangle stamped on it in 2 places (that tells ya how long it's supposed to last eh? Save the Earth!!) Anyway I need to know if they are otherwise the same.

Ok I wasn't sure if they were metal or not. Thanks for the info.


I would imagine that they would still bolt up. I don't think GM would change the lower intake just for a material change on the upper intake.


I dunno, anything's possible...like the lower intake could even be different, the bolts could be thinner...'93 was the beginning of a lot of changes. I'll prolly look into it once I get in deeper. Right now I'm not even near that :wink:


I dunno it all depends if the seller chick is hot or not. Basically if I have no other choice then so be it.

The 3.1 or the 3100, the 3100 sucks =)




the intake manifold say 3100 so i would say 3100


Ah okey. I was talking about the 3.1 mpfi rather then the 3100 sfi.

the 3100 tends 2 knock when its cold unless its been babyed and runnin synthetic. also tends 2 blow lower intakes/gaskets.



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