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ECM pinouts...


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anyone have a diagram for the pinouts on the GM ECM's? I know they're pretty much all the same for the cars and all they did was change the eeprom, but I was wondering what all the pinouts were for, I'm looking at setting up an aftermarket computer if mine is unable to tune in the way that I want it to.


thanks in advance



P.S if no one has the pinouts, once I do find them, I'll post 'em for everyone. :D

Guest TurboSedan
I'm looking at setting up an aftermarket computer if mine is unable to tune in the way that I want it to.


thanks in advance



P.S if no one has the pinouts, once I do find them, I'll post 'em for everyone. :D


not sure if this will help at all: http://www.cruzers.com/~ludis/quadplugecm.html i would go to the library and check out wiring diagrams in a Mitchell manual. i have found ECM pinouts for my Cutlass there and i photocopied wiring diagrams for the entire car.

have you checked out gmpcm.com?



Oooo.. those are resources I haven't tapped yet, thanks for the pointers!




well with the OBDii junk usually you have to flash thru the connector, I could perhaps get it flashed out of the car for you, I can call and get some prices for you.



Guest TurboSedan

could you maybe ditch the OBD-2 engine management system and run an OBD-1 wiring harness and ECM/custom EPROM instead?



the problem with downgrading from OBD-2 to OBD-1 is that it "removes, disables or otherwise renders inoperative" some of the emissions equipment so they'd be able to tow your car untill you are able to get it fixed at a qualified service station. I'm still gonna do some research to find out if I am able to make an EEPROM for the obd-2 stuff




dave that would be great i have been tring to get my pcm tuned since i did my swap if you could e-mail me or some thing thanks

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