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Stripped lower plenum-to-lower intake bolt. Tap or new intak

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Should I buy the tap for the 1st small lower intake bolt? ALl the bolts on the plenum are set nice and tight, but the 2nd bolt (1st small bolt) keeps spinng and I know i stripped the thread.


Can one plenum bolt not tight down cause any kind of vacuum leak? Currently I'm having an issue at startup and sometimes at stop lights/idle where the car begins to die and sets a high idle code. Sometimes it doesnt set a code at all, just stutters and dies.


Another question is whether its better to just buy a lower intake off of someone or buy the tap for the lower intake bolt AND the coolant to heater hose threads (since i broke mine inside and used a drill to destroy the remainder of the quick disconnect coolant thingy).


Two possible culprit on those, TPS and IAC.


I would just remove and clean the IAC and the spot where the IAC goes in.

The TPS can't be cleaned and should be just replaced.


My local junkyard said $60 for a lower intake when I checked a while back, so you should be able to pick one up relatively cheap. By the time you buy a tap and figure out a way to rig up the coolant line you'll probably spend ten or twenty bucks plus you'll still have to deal with possible leaks in both locations. Given the PIA factor of messing with the broken lower intake I think I'd just go ahead and get a used intake.

Currently I'm having an issue at startup and sometimes at stop lights/idle where the car begins to die and sets a high idle code. Sometimes it doesnt set a code at all, just stutters and dies.


Check the plug to your coolant temp sensor.


mine did the same thing, ran really funny a while back...


plugged in a scantool and the coolant temp was reading -320 degrees C.


the plug was corroded and not getting a good connections.


a new plug and some soldering and die-electric grease later, car was good as new - until something else breaks (its to be expected in my car)


Just a suggestion...


but i dont see a problem with tapping and coiling the stripped bolt.

as far qas vaccume leaks, YES, it will.


- Justin


If you need a lower intake manifold for the 3.4, u got my SN, ill take care of ya.



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