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Are copper gaskets really THAT much better than Bestos?

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Are copper exhaust gaskets really that much better than Bestos ones?

They are both much better than the paper ones right?


obiously alot stronger.. will grow and shrink with temperature change. just dont run your car in COLD weather.. i could see problems with that. but the Plus side. when it heats up it will make one hell of a tight seal! obiously durable. and rust resistant.. copper tarnishes and turns green but keeps its composure and strength.


copper has a definate advantage over paper or plastic.


when i go do a rebuild. im making sure i have ALL copper gaskets possible including heads


whats wrong with running copper in cold weather? and the copper is coated or mixed special so it won't tarnish. copper make a tight seal always cold or hot and its reusable


copper shrinks faster then iron.. ever seen your house thermostate under the plastic covers.. there is a coil part steel and part copper. it will bend in different directions depending on temp.


im not saying bad i am just seeing a potention problem if the gaskets are not properly installed


the copper ones might be aimed more at useres who have cheap hard to seal headers they are adding.....for those cheap or leak prone headers Earls Dead Soft Alum gaskets are better


OEM manifolds bestos is usually great, all the 90's fords I have been changing motors in dont even use gaskets on the exhaust manifolds :lol:


My 92 Mk Vii has factory headers and an factory h pipe, I'm sure the headers use gaskets tho :roll:


ya i don't think these gaskets are all copper thought, but i could be wrong. and if u tighten them down cold that is gunna be how they seal when cold, they will expand more when hot and just create a better seal so i still don't see anythign wrong with them for cold use.

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