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Every once in a while, I'll start up my car. The ampers will shoot into the 18 range, and the engine will run at 2000 RPM's. If I try to drive it like this, the engine will surge like hell. It will finally go away, but it bugs the piss out of me, so i try not to let it run like this. I've disconnected the battery for about 2 minutes, and hooked it back up, and it ran fine then. Any suggestions?


bad voltage regulator or a short? dont know what to tell ya


18 amps is pretty LOW! condisering the stock alt put out 105amps..


if your talking about volts adn amps was a typo,, then it would be a voltage regulator.. i have seen my car get all the way to 14.9volts while driving.. and that is with an UD pully on. normal for my car is ruffly 14.5volts (charging?) and 13.8-14.0 volts normal


I think he means volts as in on the voltmeter on the dash. 18 is extremely high to be putting out. Mine stays in the 14v range.


When I start my car my volt gauge reads 16-17 volts for about 10 min. It's done this the whole time I have had my car. I wouldn't worry about it.


he means volts, that is my old car so who better to answer this than me, caus ei thought i fixed it. there is a short of ignition to ground somewhere in that car, don't replace that alt it had less than 3k miles on it when i sold it to u and its acdelco. its something aftermarket, i beleive the alarm. all i can say is pull it all out and rewire it. cause i tracked evrything down to that damn alarm, it had the car misfiring and overcharging, just rip it out and redo it, if u are thinking of throwing away that alarm send it to me and i will get it warrantied for u it has 2 year up here

Crap, i meant volts :lol: How do i go about replacing the voltage regulator?


It's built in to the alternator..

its in the alternator, and its not bad

Very true on that. Well, i guess i'll be looking at the alarm as soon as i get a free chance then.

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