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how much do you think I can get for the CS?


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OK....what the question asked.


I want 4000. Some, with slightly less miles, but looking worse, are going for still in the 3's.


There are no more leaks. The thing runs soo good now. Im just ready for something else.


130,000 miles. Perfect maitnence. 110k of tthose miles are ALL HIGHWAY, since the car was a buisness car, driven only on long trips (parked when not on trips....it wasnt the guys daily driver from the company, it was a company car for sales runs).


Interior, other than the drivers seat, is mint. Back seat was new, until i got it.


What would yall think?



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I'd say if others in your area are actually selling for those prices, 4 would be a fair price to start at.. but I would almost think you'd have to drop a little. I know we're in completely different markets, but something with that kind of mileage would go for next to nothing around here. Most cars of that age with that mileage pretty much goes straight to wholesale/auction... then again, like I said, we're in completely different areas. I'd say start at a little over 4,000 and go from there.

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looking at KBB and NADA...nada was actually arround 2700, and kbb was up to almost 3500, even with just GOOD ranking.


Thing is, this place is FULL of stupid people. They will snatch up a car for 3750, but not for 4000. Id rather take that slight 250 hit, and get it gone quicker, rather than sitting arround.


ill check some of the books today, see what else is out there.



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Shoot for 4, but I've seen cars that body style (although could be as old as 94) in very good condition sit for months on a busy intersection with a price of $2500 white shoe-polished onto the windshield.

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If you dont need the money really bad then try $4000 or B/O, around here it would probly go for about $3000 due to the mileage.


If I decide to sell my Cutlass I'm putting a $2000 sign in the windshield, if it dosn't sell (witch is very likely to happen) then so be it. To me the car is worth atleast $2000, with all the time and $$ I've put into it. I know I could get rid of it in a heartbeat for $1000 or less but there's no way I could replace it for that.

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the thing is....i think the numbers talk.


4000 grand to me DOES seem a bit high for the car, but is really what its worth. I know ill prob sell it somewhere over 3. Im prob only going to go as low as 3500.


The thing is....i thihnk i would (and actually i know...no calls last time) when i twas listed for 4000. i think if i drop is slightly, people may be a bit more eagar to call. Im ok with letting the car go for 3-3500, i only paid 4 myself for it, 2+ years ago.


3 still sets me high enough above what I need to actually look at another car.



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Well what its worth to you and what its worth to the buying public are two completely different things. I had tried to sell my '94 this summer with only some 65,000-70,000 miles on it. I had the price at 3k. Keep in mind its got all power options, HUD, trip computer... nobody bought it. I went down to 2,500... few more ppl called, yet nobody bought it. I don't know if its just the different areas or what, but something like that would never go for that high.

To me, my car was well worth the 3k... to everyone else, it was just another old sedan out on the road.

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well, GF really doesnt want it gone. That, and I really dont know if THIS regal im looking at is WHAT i want right now. Yeah, id love a car with less miles, but if i did get that regal, id be almost broke, esp. if something went wrong.


So...looks like ill have the CS for a while now. Im still eyeing the newspapers to see if i see anything I like that I can afford (older). I think ill end up just get a second beater/toy/fun car.


Small list, but some of the ideas are...

*early z24

*early lumina coupe, or GP coupe...but dont really want a nother w right now

*G body REgal or CS


* Some of the Extended K cars from chrysler, like the Sundance, Shardow, etc, or even a Daytona.


really dont know, but ill let yall know what I get

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I would say that you would get closer to $2500-$2750 for your cutty, I know that there isn't a snowball's chance in hell of me getting even close to $4000 from my cutty and mine is newer, has less miles, and mine is totally loaded....

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