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Saturday Morning Junkyard Run!


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So yesterday me and Jay(xteremelumina92) went up to Flint ( about a hour NW of Detroit) to go to a few yards. When we got there for a good 15 miles all it was was yards! So ne ways I got some leather seats, a 94+ ebrake, power attenna, and the newer front brakes. Also we saw 2 Z34's, and alot of W-bodys but you have to remeber this is Michigan all we are are W-bodys! On another note we saw 4 3.8's that were toasted, and I was like WTF?! Me and Jay also saw a beautiful TGP! So I am goin back next weekend to get my parts. If ne one needs ne thing that I can get pretty easily just post and I'll see what I can do.



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Off topic, but I'm a bit curious about Flint. We watched a video in history class that some guy made who got laid off by GM 15-20 some odd years ago when the plant there closed and the whole town went to hell. I'm just kinda curious what the town is like now.

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want to check on a price for a power antenna for me? I'd pay up to $20 or so if you get there and there are more in good condition


Umm well I plan to steal it, but there is one around here I checked b4 and it was like $40.


Off topic, but I'm a bit curious about Flint. We watched a video in history class that some guy made who got laid off by GM 15-20 some odd years ago when the plant there closed and the whole town went to hell. I'm just kinda curious what the town is like now.


Yeah since GM left Flint it has gone down the shitter it is worse than Detroit now, that movie was probaly done by Michael Moore, who also did Bowling for Columbine.

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Yeah since GM left Flint it has gone down the shitter it is worse than Detroit now, that movie was probaly done by Michael Moore, who also did Bowling for Columbine.


Name sounds familier I think. name of the movie was "Roger and Me"

I think Roger was GM's chairman or something like that. I forget, watched it a few months ago.

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Yeah since GM left Flint it has gone down the shitter it is worse than Detroit now, that movie was probaly done by Michael Moore, who also did Bowling for Columbine.


Name sounds familier I think. name of the movie was "Roger and Me"

I think Roger was GM's chairman or something like that. I forget, watched it a few months ago.


Yes, Roger and Me. Done by Michael Moore. I thought it was an awesome movie, not b/c of what the GM Chairman did, but b/c it just shows what happens when very large corporations tend to fuck up. ANYWAY...continue as normal.

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I'm looking for an ashtray. It's the kind that goes in the center console of a GP with the DIC. The older ones, like 1988 - 1993, I think.


I want lots of other things but I'm too broke to buy them right now. :cry:

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yah, Michael Moore did Roger and Me, and also has the series called the Awful Truth. Some of his stuff is pretty funny. And Tony, u better not let me down with the taillights and lip spoiler....since u are taking my tools and my money... :roll: :shock:

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