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3.1 to 3100 top end swap

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i hav a 1992 3.1 lumina i know make fun of me now tony

any ways


i want to put the gen 3 i hthink heads and intake on my gen2 3.1 but im not alll to sure what i need to do the swap please help but not you fat tony your an ass

Guest TurboSedan

well you can forget about using TGP parts then.


i'm an ass too :wink:


i hav a 1992 3.1 lumina i know make fun of me now tony

any ways


i want to put the gen 3 i hthink heads and intake on my gen2 3.1 but im not alll to sure what i need to do the swap please help but not you fat tony your an ass


Big man talking shit to me on the internet, ur a internet tough guy huh?

well you can forget about using TGP parts then.


i'm an ass too :wink:





hey tony im a tough guy in person to you wont to fight bitch bring it ono on one you know where i work or are you a scared little bitch uoy must be from whta i here george through a snowball in your car and you went and told your mom and had her call geroges parents now who is the internet hard guy

You guys are so cool fighting on the internet. :lol:


Thats exactly what I was thinking.


Why does every one want to switch to the 3100 over the 3.1? I talked to the machinest that does all the work for us at the garage and says the 3100 heads dont flow any better then the 3.1 and that the 3100 air plenium is more restrictive then the 3.1. The 3100 has more hp due to having a roller cam, roller rocker arms and a ECM that regulates the fuel/air mixture better. I like both engines but why not use the roller cam and rocker arms and put in a good after market chip in the 3.1 for the same end result HP wise. :D

Why does every one want to switch to the 3100 over the 3.1? I talked to the machinest that does all the work for us at the garage and says the 3100 heads dont flow any better then the 3.1 and that the 3100 air plenium is more restrictive then the 3.1. The 3100 has more hp due to having a roller cam, roller rocker arms and a ECM that regulates the fuel/air mixture better. I like both engines but why not use the roller cam and rocker arms and put in a good after market chip in the 3.1 for the same end result HP wise. :D


Actually, 3100 heads DO flow better. The main difference is in the exhaust flow. Intake flow is a just a hair better, but the 3100 exhaust flow is way better. There's a thread at 60* that shows the flow bench #s for 3.1L and 3100 The intakes on 3100 are much better too. Also, 3100 didnt get the "good" roller rockers til 96 or 97


I dunno. Ok the valves are a little bigger so ya could put them in the 3.1 heads if reworked. But you know for the money thats gong to be spent on swapping everything over on to the 3.1 wouldnt it be better to say the hell with the 3100 top end swap all together and go for a 3400 engine swap. :D

I dunno. Ok the valves are a little bigger so ya could put them in the 3.1 heads if reworked. But you know for the money thats gong to be spent on swapping everything over on to the 3.1 wouldnt it be better to say the hell with the 3100 top end swap all together and go for a 3400 engine swap. :D


The valves werent bigger til the 3400, and the only the intake was .04" bigger. Its the D-shaped exhaust port on the 3100 that makes it flow so much better. The reason to do a 3100 top end swap on a 3.1L is that there are MANY aftermarket cams for 3.1Ls and none (except for regrinds) currently available for the 3100.

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