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fuel pressure regulator


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I'm going to attempt to install a new fuel pressure regulator on my '89 Prix 3.1 this weekend :? . How difficult of a process is this and is there anything that I should look out for?


Thanks for the info.



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In my opinion, install = very easy. It might be a good idea to inspect all vacuum lines under the intake plenum while you're down there..I recommend replacing them with standard rubber vac hoses or silicone vac hoses if you feel like spending a few more pennies...the stock lines are made of plastic and after years of being heated up, they crack pretty easily. Good luck with changing it, if you need any more info...post here and let us know. 8)

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Here goes by memory. (Click on the WWWWWWWW's if you want a few pics (random crap area)

Remove the bolts holding the upper intake on.

Remove T/B. Remove nuts holding that wack ass bracket onto the back of the upper intake. Slide that bracket down (w/ the map and evap. solenoid attached) Take the plug wires out of the retainer on the pass. side of the upper intake. Unhook and move the BOOST CONTROL SOLENOID, AND INTAKE AIR TEMP SENSOR (sorry wanted to add that :lol: ) Now this is all by memory so I might have missed a step or two. Next tuck the upper intake back behind the lower intake. You can see what I mean in the pics on my webshots site. Now you should be able to see the lower intake/rail/shit under there. Take a T-15 torx driver and remove the rail mounts and take the wires out of the retainers. That same torx bit will separate the rails from the center, BOOYAH. Make sure when you put it all back together the O-rings seat properly. This is a random guide, probably totally off. :lol: Also, do the T/B bypass while you're in there. It'll make it so you don't have to remove the T/B next time.

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Release the fuel pressure at the shrader valve(looks like a valve stem cap for a tire) on the fuel rail as well before removing anything to do w/ the fuel system. Take a rag and place it over the shrader valve area and use a screwdriver or the like to depress the the valve..be sure to wipe up any fuel that spills around the intakes.

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