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mufflers, second car, what yall think?!


What to do?  

  1. 1. What to do?

    • Dont put anything else on cutlass, other than brakes, and sell muffs/tips
    • Put duals on Cutlass ($150)
    • Replace stock muffler with Dyno Super Turbo (<$50)

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Ok....remember I was selling the cutlass? Well...droped that idea, and I plan on keeping it. I also plan, this summer, on adding another w-body to my collection, a 98 Regal LS I have mentioned before. It has 34k miles, detailed 4x yearly, front end repainted this week, family owned. Its also got some cool stuff, like "Grand Touring Suspension".


Im at a delimia. I have the money for this...but want to put a bit down, so i can get a small loan. I need brakes on the Cutlass pretty bad. But, i was planning on using my tax return for my exhaust. Knowing now that this car may be ready to go in a month or two...i need to watch my money, but still be fun and safe.


So, i made a quick poll. What do yall think I should do. IF so, please tell me why...!


I already have the mufflers and tips I wanted. If I do duals, im fine. If I go with just replacing stock, i can sell the other muff and tip.


I know im not going to see a big (if any ) gain in performance over 1 vs 2 mufflers with everything else being normal.



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Even if I was keeping the Cutty I would want the duals on it...I plan on keeping my wifes Ciera Cruiser wagon as a work horse and I plan on upgrading that to duals (even if it is just 2 tailpipes)...I completely understand the money issue (aint it always?!!)...if you need the $$$ to make the purchase of the 2nd car happen then put your bucks there...just do the maint on the cutty you need to...or maybe just hold onto the muffs and tips and use them later (on either car)...ultimately you gotta make the call tho...good luck on the new ride!

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if/when i get the regal...the CS is going to be more of a beater, daily driver car still. The Regal will be a daily too...just not to downtown richmond..



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do you work in downtown Ricmond?...man, I can't imagine commuting down there everyday (of course its still lightweight stuff compared to New York City where my wife is from!)...I can see why you would want a beater for that kind of purpose...in that case just do the required maint on the cutty and put your bucks in the Regal.....(man I wanna get that GP so bad!)

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i go to VCU...know what that is? YEah...were in NCAA (Anyone see that game?...i also went to GMU).


I live in short pump. So...not to bad of a commute. can get crazy



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yean man, me and my honey (thats my wife) like to go up to Carytown when the weather is nice...if we're coming from downtown we usually go thru the campus on the way out there...or either wee come thru Maymont Park (she loves shootin up film over there)...you transfer here from GMU? so I'll guess you're either in your Junior or Senior year.

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Jr. at VCU. Went to GMU my freshman year.


I went to maymont last semester and shot a few rolls myself..for a class.


GF used to work at Carytown ukrops for a while. I spend most of my time in the Fan though, since its campus :).


Why another 4 door?


Mainly a deal. GFs family owned it. Has like no miles on it. My car has quite a few now. That, and to me...the more I look at that car, the sexier it is. And really...im not a fan of 2 door CSs really...the only 2 door w's like are early luminas or GP's with everything. I looked for a 2 door newer GP...but just couldnt find the one I wanted. This LS does have the 3.8.


My CS is slowly loosing dependabilty. Its also getting boring driving it every day. I would sell it, but only if I could get a decent ammount for it. I had the price lowerd to $3000, and still no takers. So...instead...ill just hold on to it as a beater and just another car to drive.


The GF has fallen in love with W's. She too, really likes the styling of the CS and this regal. When we actually take my car, she does like to drive. The CS would also be there for her in case her truck was in the shop or something.


and btw...this LS is a heavy optioned one (well, in some ways). It doesnt have a sunroof, leather, or anything else...but it does have some wild stuff like "Grand Touring Suspension (Im taking it as an upgraded FE3)", Alum GS style wheels, etc.


Another stupid thing...its kinda also family. My stepmom drives a black 87 regal. Her and my dad are obsessed with GNs. The plate is "GNWANNAB".


Take a wild guess what this one prob will be....GS.....



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