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another question: New coil packs

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Hey guys i see that jbodyperformance sells MSD high voltage coil packs for my 3100. did any one try those or a similar application? i wanted to know what kinda power increase ill get and if its worth the $$


If theres nothing wrong with your stock ones, dont waste the money. Theres very little, if any difference in HP, the stock ignition is a very good system.


...and I just totaled my car...so if you want to buy them used make an offer...


Hey i fell for you man :cry: :cry: . But there isnt anything wrong with my stock ones and if you dont think theres much differnece then... maybe you could try selling them on ebay. you really didnt notice any HP or throttle response difference?


Nah, just pretty red boxes under the hood. The stock ignition system is a good system.

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