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Muffler Swap

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  1. 1. What Series

    • 40-Series (Delta Flow)
    • The new Super 40

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I'm hearing a lot of diff things about the muffler sizes I can go with, I am stuck on my ways of doing things so it will be hard to change my mind but I just wanna know what everone thinks...



The Super 40 does have a 5x10 case...hmmm :?

Use the fucking seach button Noob, it aint hard.


Great first impression, dick.


http://www.exhaustsoundclips.com/ Good Site


http://v6camaro.homestead.com/files/exhaustsounds.htm 3.4 Camaro




That exhaustsoundclips.com is a good site, I guess I downloaded a few for my Jeep, not sure what they have for these cars. The last link is a google search, it's a good start. I believe there's a few members on here that have sound clips of their exhaust, not sure though. I think a 40 series would probably sound kind of loud though... Unless that's what you're going for.


sorry, wasnt in the greatest mood and seeing 10 flowmaster post in the last month just hit me the wrong way, Welcome 2 the w-body site.




:lol: I was almost pissed @ some of the reaction I got. I dont take to kindly to dicks plus people will say anything over the net, thanks for calming a little... also thanks for the post info leave the "noob" shit @ the door (future references) it sounds like a bad line from "Fast & Furious"





like I said, bad timing. I can be the nicest of guys or put redturbo90 (the fourm asshole) to shame. Im sure you can understand seein the same post over and over. have fun seachin posts, most all aspects of the w-bodys have been covered. Enjoy.




try a firebird muffler if it will fit yours they sound nice on the W's 3.1 or 3.4





A firebird muffler? a stock muffler will be as quite as a stock grand prix, the walker will be a ta louder but ya wont hear it. also, a firebird muffler wont fit under the stock muffler heatshield, at least on my 90 it didnt.




you can put in under the car sideways they dont hang down anymore then on a firebird buy yeah you need to put up a heat shield but a cheap turbo is small and will fit under the right side




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