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My 1992 GP STE site...


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That's a nice looking STE, very clean looking..those seats look comfy. 8) I plan on getting the same wheels you have now for my 93 SE but most likely in a 17'' size.

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thank you very much!

the feedback is appreciated!


WOW! there is some darn nice looking w-body's here, keep up the great work guys!! i absolutely love w-body's....what a great design...



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That is a very nice looking car there! It seems that there are more STE's turning up.




Really! I had never seen another STE in person other than mine until a week ago. A week ago a guy pulled up next to me in a '90 Maroon STE, it looked identical to mine only it wasn't a turbo. I talked to the guy at the light and it had the factory 5 speed. He was pretty cool, and I was suprised that I saw one, and that it was a maroon one at that. Then two days ago I was driving home from the gas station and I saw ANOTHER Maroon STE. This one was also not a turbo, and it was in ROUGH shape. But, before that I had never seen them. Not to mention, they weren't really on the forums much until very recently. They are definately turning up more and more.


BTW...Nice STE.



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A week ago a guy pulled up next to me in a '90 Maroon STE, it looked identical to mine only it wasn't a turbo. I talked to the guy at the light and it had the factory 5 speed.


I wonder if that was the guy in Michigan who bought the 5-speed maroon STE off my buddy. He custom installed a HUD, I believe. If you caught it, was his name Geoff by chance?

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