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TSTE won't stay running unless my foot is on the gas!?!?


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A few weeks ago I got in my STE at Autozone to leave and I started it up and it stalled, then it did this about 3 more times before I decided to put my foot to the floor and try to start it. It started and revved right up to the limiter, then I let off the gas and held it at around 1500rpms. All the way home I had to do this to keep the car running. But then a half hour later I got in the car to drive it and it was fine, it started up and stayed running. And up until a few days ago it has done it occasionaly since then(1 or 2 times a week), until yesterday. And I don't just mean that it stalls when I stop, while I'm cruising down the road if the revs drop too low the car will just stall, or if I go to stop for an intersection the car will stall before I am even stopped.


Yesterday I took a 140 mile trip. (70 miles each way, 30 minute break in between) All the way there the car ran great and I had no problems at all, ran just as it should. We stopped at Burger King and ate some food and when I got in the car to leave it didn't want to stay running, and it was surging in between 500 & 1500rpms if I didn't have my foot on the gas. But after driving the car about a mile, it was running fine. We got to our destination (a tranny shop if you're wondering), and when I went to start the car back up to drive back (after it sat for about 1 minute) it ran just fine and did all the way home.


Well today I got in the car this morning to go to school and it was doing the surging again, but I just kept my foot on the gas for about 2 miles and it would stay running after that. Then I got in my car to leave school to go to my vocational school and it did it all the way there. I had to keep my foot on the gas the whole time. And on the way home from there, it did it the whole way. And ever since then it has done it all the time. It just keeps getting worse. Before I could usually start the car and if I held the revs at around 1000rpms and very slowly let my foot out of the gas all the way, it would stay idling, but it doesn't even come close to doing that now. The car WILL not run unless my foot is on the gas.


Now this is the odd thing, I have noticed no decrease in gas mileage, and no decrease in performance. I was thinking it could be the 02 sensor (because of the stock crossover), or it could be the coils. But I would think the 02 sensor would give me a drop in gas mileage (usually pretty significant), and I would think I would loose power if it were coils.


What do you think is the problem?





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Oh yeah, and might I add it is really annoying when the car stalls and I have to stop on the side of the road and put the thing in park to start it back up since it will only start in park. The stupid thing won't even start in Neutral :x!!!

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I assume you're not throwing a code? I've had that happen to me in the past with other cars. First it was the battery. Then the chip, but it set a code that couldn't be read. I would also suspect the xover or crank sensor.

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Yup, exactly like what one of my AWDs was doing a few months ago. Ran fine for days, then I'd have to keep my foot on the pedal to keep it running. I was pretty sure I know what it was right away, but I kept putting it off because it ran fine for a week at a time. If it started up and idled, it would be fine the entire rest of that trip. If it started up and died, it would die at idle for the whole rest of that trip. It kept getting worse and worse, so I finally stopped procrastinating and tried my hunch. I swapped the IAC (Idle Air Control) with a spare one, and vioala! Fixed. Hasn't done it since. I have to try the same thing on my TSTE, because it's having the same symptoms. Not so sure that will cure things this time, though, because it has a lot more running issues then just idle.

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I assume you're not throwing a code? I've had that happen to me in the past with other cars. First it was the battery. Then the chip, but it set a code that couldn't be read. I would also suspect the xover or crank sensor.


No codes or anything. It runs very well at 1500+rpms. I pulled a front spark plug just to see if maybe they were really fouled up and maybe that was causing it, but if anything it appears the car is running lean (which seems very odd for a TGP with the stock crossover). So it isn't the plugs. Also, the plugs looked nearly brand new, as they should since they only have about 2k on them.


Where exactly is the IAC?? Isn't that on the throttle body? I'm not as comfortable as I would like to be about where everything is on this engine. What should I clean it with? (I am gonna clean it before I buy a new one, no sense in wasting money if it is just dirty, and I'm 16 so I'm cheap!)





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IAC (Idle Air Control) It is an electronically controlled solenoid located on the forward side of the Throttle body. It has a connector on it facing downward (I believe) IIRC it has 2 T15 Torx bits holding it in. After removing the bolts, wiggle it out and you will see carbon build up all over it. Make sure you don't loose the O-ring that seals it. Clean it off w/ a brake cleaner or something similar. I have been told by different people that it's not a good idea to clean it, just replace it, but I have cleaned many in my day w/ no apparent problems. (I don't know WHY you shouldn't clean it, can't remember/wasn't given an answer.) When you get it all back together remove your neg. batter cable for awhile, then hook it back up and re-learn an idle. Viola.

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IAC (Idle Air Control) It is an electronically controlled solenoid located on the forward side of the Throttle body. It has a connector on it facing downward (I believe) IIRC it has 2 T15 Torx bits holding it in. After removing the bolts, wiggle it out and you will see carbon build up all over it. Make sure you don't loose the O-ring that seals it. Clean it off w/ a brake cleaner or something similar. I have been told by different people that it's not a good idea to clean it, just replace it, but I have cleaned many in my day w/ no apparent problems. (I don't know WHY you shouldn't clean it, can't remember/wasn't given an answer.) When you get it all back together remove your neg. batter cable for awhile, then hook it back up and re-learn an idle. Viola.


Sounds good, I'll do that this afternoon. Hopefully it fixes this annoying problem.



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mine did something similar when a vaccume hose was loose sometimes it would work and sometimes it wouldn't. I eventually replaced the vaccume hose and it fixed it. (I think the hose was leaking air somewhat out a hole somewhere)

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its the sensor in the top of the intake manifold on the passenger side. try removing it cleaning it and clean the sensor pigtail then reinstall or just replace the sensor. that sensor when its unplugged gives you that exact symptom

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