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where is the source of this leak...

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Well I have had this coolant leak since october, finally getting around to fixing it since the 92 is out of the garage and running. To begin with it was a really cold day, I didnt let the car warm up and laid on it, drove about 3 miles to my house and when I stopped there was steam coming out from under the hood. I looked at it and there was water all over the drivers side of the engine bay. The steam was coming from the block area near the tstat housing and the front exhaust manifold near the #6 cylinder(or 5, whichever is on the front). So now whenever I run the car there is steam coming from these two places.


After finally getting it in the garage I hooked up to a pressure tester, and didnt notice a real leak, except when I shine a flashlight onto the block, I notice the distributor shaft cap full of antifreeze. So my question is what is this problem? I was originally thinking headgasket, but checking the oil on the dipstick there are no traces of moisture whatsoever. Plus I was told, when headgaskets go they usually leak internally. So could this be a cracked head or intake gasket? Im assuming a compression testor wouldnt tell me if it was a cracked head if it isnt leaking oil(cause the cylinder would still be intact). I plan on tearing it apart next weekend so any help is appreciated.


Ive seen one head gasket leak externally on a 3.1L, but the guy drove it for a while anyway and anti freeze mixed with oil. Could be lower intake gasket, especially since you said it was on the Dist. cap. Also, could be the coolant fitting in the lower intake. Its been known to go bad since GM made them out of pot metal.


I doubt it is the head gasket. I'd check that connection between the lower intake and the plenum first.

I doubt it is the head gasket. I'd check that connection between the lower intake and the plenum first.


thats what i think im gonna do, try replacing those gaskets, running strait water through the system, and if it solves the leak, then I will put antifreeze in it. If not I'm only out 20 bucks for the gaskets and have to dig deeper into the engine I guess


ive had to replace 3 sets of intake gaskets i got it fixed now but i replaced the bolts in the lower intake its been working well since


they were only like 15 bucks for all well worth putting in i think


Is it just me but on the 3.4 there is no coolant that runs through the lower intake the valley between the heads is completely sealed. Maybe the throttle body connection for the coolant is leaking?

Is it just me but on the 3.4 there is no coolant that runs through the lower intake the valley between the heads is completely sealed. Maybe the throttle body connection for the coolant is leaking?


theres coolant that runs through the lower intake, so it could puddle up on the oil distribution cover and distributer shaft cap. I just hope thats my problem and not the head.


Were is there coolant that runs to the lower intake. I have a lower intake in my garage and no coolant runs through it.




the black o ring just below the paper towel is part of the lower intake is where coolant runs, thats what connects it to the upper plenum

Is it just me but on the 3.4 there is no coolant that runs through the lower intake the valley between the heads is completely sealed. Maybe the throttle body connection for the coolant is leaking?


theres coolant that runs through the lower intake, so it could puddle up on the oil distribution cover and distributer shaft cap. I just hope thats my problem and not the head.


I know on 3.1Ls they used a pot metal fitting from the factory and after about 10+ years, its just erodes away. They make a new fitting made out of steel to remedy the problem. Im assuming the same for the DOHC

Were is there coolant that runs to the lower intake. I have a lower intake in my garage and no coolant runs through it.



the intake gaskets block off or seal the water jackets there's not any holes i dont think in the heads mine leaked at the verry end of the intake like the gasket did not hold up there is coolant there just does not go back in to the heads but i dont know about other years either just my 91 ???

Shit I should thought about were the t-stat is!


yeah i did not think about that either or the O ring good thinking ..

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