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FFP Underdrive Pulley install

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I just got mine in the mail, and hopefully will be installing it tomorrow, along with a new tranny filter and fluid.


Any tips or tricks that you guys have learned from doing this to make it easier?


I dont know if you've ever done a tranny filter and oil change......but I know that on my 3.1 MPFI, it was sure a pain the ass......pm me if ya got questions


What size belt do i need? Part number? I told napa i need a belt that is about 1inch smaller, but they wont do that, they want a belt number or i have to know the circumfurince(SP?!!) of the two pulleys so they can guess that way. I want to get this done today, so help fast please!!


You sould be able to take in your old belt and they can measure it (which will give them a part no) then get one smaller. If you dont have the belt off the car have them look up the stock part number in thier computer then they can figure out one inch smaller from there. (the part #s generally have the measurments in them).


If NAPA cant figure that out i wouldnt be getting parts from them cause they are obviously incompetent.


I dont like buying parts from this napa, because the manager is retarded, and i have problems with him. But there are two other stores near by, pronto and checker, both of which i like even less, because the shit i buy from them is crap. Napas parts are good, but the people are stupid. One example, i wanted to find out how much a new stock cat was for my car, way back when i first bought it, and the guy at napa said he didnt know of a gm 3.4L DOHC engine, and didnt have it listed in the book/computer whatever he was looking at. I was like your a fucking idiot and hung up the phone.


well if you run by checker they should be able to hook you up. in the 7 months i used to work there I never saw one warranty return on a belt so they have got to be fairly reliable. They also have the DAYCO belts which are a little better made then the standard belts but cost twice as much. Either belt would be fine. NAPAS stuff is pretty good but obviously theyve got some morons working for them.


Ill give checker a call, napa wanted $25 for the tranny filter "kit" plus the cost of fluid. Whats in the kit? Gasket and filter?


kit = gasket & filter - try checker for the filter as well usually they are around $18-20 if theyre not cheaper they will beat the lowest local price by 5%


Well, if the NAPA "kit" is like the GM "kit" you'll get a new filter and the grommet/washer thats used when installing it. Hell, screw the NAPA kit, just go to GM and save yourself $5, I think the tranny filter I got only cost like $18 from GM. The gasket should be a made of a hard rubber/plastic piece so that should be reusable (assuming your 4T60e is like my 95').


I say FUCK checker, i bought the filter "kit" from them, and alls i got was the filter and grommet. I still had the old gasket on the tranny pan, and that didnt last when i took it off. I called checker back, and they didnt have a gasket. I went to Napa and paid $5 more and bought the filter kit that included the nice rubber gasket.


Ya, checker also screwed me over on some oil, i bought some High mileage oil, sign said $1.89, they charged me $2.59 or something like that. Tomorrow after school, I will be getting my money back.


Car runs good now, but with all the fucking around with driving, and then it being my sisters bday i didnt really have time to mess with the pulley. I have to decide to put the pulley on tomorrow, or start tearing apart my sisters VW to get the starter off.


thats wierd - they usually come with the gasket :? :?: oh well their shouldnt be any problem getting youre $$ back from em - unless you lost your recipt. In that case all you'll get is store credit, theyre real anal about that.


Im almost glad i dont work thier anymore though. At the stores i worked at they had some of the most experienced and smartest parts guys ive ever met, but from the descriptions of some of the other stores i used to get from customers and stuff like this, i believe the rest of the company is largely made up of dumbfucks. Especially thier district managers!!!! but thats a different story :evil:


Its quite different over here though, NAPA hires retarded people, autostoners all run around frantically with thier thumbs in thier asses, and parts plus has the worst customer service imaginable. :evil:


Napa, so far is the best around here, though there are only napa, checker, and pronto right near my house. I can go up to were i work in Bloomington and find about 5 different parts stores.


Quick question, when i pulled the pan, i handed it to my friend, he poured the last little bit of fluid out of the pan, and found 3 pieces of orange gasket...look like one round gasket that was broken into 3. Any idea what this is?


autozone has messed up help too


whenever i go into autozone, the help just stands behind the counter and watches me look for parts, when they are supposted to be doing the looking


:guns: dumb people


when u pulled ur pan for the tranny, was the magnet covered in a thick grease

mine was, nasty as shit too....

i bought a new gasket off my local gm dealer for 15 bucks

not too happy with that now that i know i coulda gotten a whole kit for just a bit more...

oh well

when u get that pulley on, let us know how it went, im interested in one for my car

autozone has messed up help too


whenever i go into autozone, the help just stands behind the counter and watches me look for parts, when they are supposted to be doing the looking


:guns: dumb people


Autozone also tried to tell me that no Grand Prix's ever came with Fog Lights until the 97+ models, even though my car is living proof they did. A couple of years ago, I was looking for an A/C clutch. They proceeded to tell me that 1990 Grand Prix's didn't come with Air Conditioning.. even though it was standard. Overall, I find the most morons at Napa and Autozone, but the parts themselves seem to be good.


I spent some time on it on tuesday, i started the tear down to get at it at about 4:15, my friend came over around 4:30 to show me this 99 Civic Si he was going to buy. We went for a ride, then went to his house so he could get his dad and his car to drive to the Si owners house, drop off the Si, and a downpayment. Well, i thought that would take about 30min or so, i didnt get back home again til 6. I finished taking off the belt and started cranking on the pulley bolts, but was having no luck. So around 6:30 we left and went to checker, so i could return the oil and tranny filter, then to autozone to rent a pulley puller, and see if they had a breaker bar i could buy/rent. Correct me if im wrong, but isnt a breaker bar just a long ass pole you put over a socket wrench to get more leverage? Thats what i thought it was, the two guys who were helping me both gave me a set of pry bars, saying that is what i was looking for. I cant seem to find an auto parts store that has people working who know atleast something about a car/part/tool. So i get home around 7:15, and keep working at those pulley bolts, got 3 off, with only the middle one left. By this time it was 7:45-8 and checker closed at 9. There is a coolant hose that is in the way of getting an impact wrench on the bolt, and i didnt want to fuck around with it, not thinking i would get done before 9 in time to mess around with the idiots at checker trying to get the right belt.



Sorry for the long story, but I am kind of pissed that i could not get it done, i also had a test yesturday so i had to study and didnt want to spend all night putting my car back together. Spring break is here, and i have Mon-Thurs off next week, so i will get up some morning and see if i can get all that shit out of the way to get that damn pulley off.


Plus, my friend left, so it was a bitch to try and keep the pulley from not spinning while i was cranking on the middle bolt. How do i have someone hold that pulley with me cranking on it?

  • 2 weeks later...

I got that pulley on on wednesday, but then we lost the internet until yesturday, so now i can give my thoughts on it. I noticed an increase in power, a little more pull in the top end. One thing i did notice though, not sure if this is for all LQ1s, or if this has always been like this on my car, but this morning on my way to work, around 645am, i floored it on an open straight road and the LQ1 just fell on its face at and after 6grand. If i remember right, it usually pulls all the way to redline, or to where the stock shift point is, maybe i was tired, then again maybe it has always been like that im not sure.



I also got my Lower intake and plenum ported and polished. I cant say its the greatest job, but im going to take them to napa machine shop and have them clean them real good, and inspect the p&p see if and where it needs work.


topless94style said


How do i have someone hold that pulley with me cranking on it?


Sounds like you got it but for future reference drop the flywheel cover(if it's plastic you can bend it out of the way) clamp your vise grips on the flywheel. That will hole it. :lol:




lol, I left one of the bolts in the pulley, laid under the car, held on, and put pressure on the ground with my feet. While my friend took a 4ft pole on the socket wrench and broke it loose. Worked easy enough.


hmm...the people at our autozone are pretty damn good for the most part...lol...i've stood in there right before closing and listened to stories about some of the idiots that come in there

Glad your help returned. :)





Actually, the kid who helped was my best friend, the other one who was helping me the other week turned on us all and went to the import world. drives a 1999 Civic Si, and that is now the first car he has owned that will beat my car. For the cars we have owned between us, mine have always beat him. But those bastards are light as hell, and pretty sure he will take me.

I say FUCK checker, i bought the filter "kit" from them, and alls i got was the filter and grommet. I still had the old gasket on the tranny pan, and that didnt last when i took it off. I called checker back, and they didnt have a gasket. I went to Napa and paid $5 more and bought the filter kit that included the nice rubber gasket.


Ya, checker also screwed me over on some oil, i bought some High mileage oil, sign said $1.89, they charged me $2.59 or something like that. Tomorrow after school, I will be getting my money back.


Car runs good now, but with all the fucking around with driving, and then it being my sisters bday i didnt really have time to mess with the pulley. I have to decide to put the pulley on tomorrow, or start tearing apart my sisters VW to get the starter off.


:lol: Sounds like you've got a shitty checkers there! Man the one I work at runs like clockwork.

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