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Is My Tranny a Toaster???

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For the past while, my 1989 2.8 Pontiac Grand Prix SE has been causing me grief. My vehicle would not move after Cold start ups. Leaving the vehicle idle for a few minutes tended to help, and keeping the fluid level topped up REALLY helps. Today while driving along, the car slowed down to a complete stop. I was able to roll off the roadway where I popped the hood and checked the transmission fluid level. The level appeared OK, the color was browner than if it was new (but I've seen worse), and there was no noticable odour. I added 1/2 litre, started the car and I was off and rolling again, the problem came back about 15 minutes later, so i emptied the remaining 1/2 litre of fluid and was just able to coast into my driveway. I let the car idle and heard a clanging noise coming from what i suspect is the transaxle. Its cold and dark so I was not able to check into the problem any further tonight. I let the vehicle sit for a few hours and started it up, the car moves, but I don't trust the vehicle to drive it anywhere. I'm also fearful of driving it, which might cause further problems.


Can anybody offer me input as to what the problem might be? Should I consider replacing the tranny or just get a vehicle to get me through the winter? What things should I be looking at to resolve the issue???Any ideas are welcome. :?:


I probably dont understand your complaint very well but,

Cars use oil to.

you say if you drive and the motor heats up and then quits? sounds like bad rings..


you also say you added 1/2 liter of transmission fluid 2 times! thats alot. are you burning it or is it leaking?


we would need more specific information to be sure.


does the motor run in nutral? healthy?

loss of power in drive?


smell of fuel in oil?

does the catolac converter rattle like marbles?

when was last tuneup and what was done?


The engine runs...the car stops moving, I'm reving it...no motion. Yes there is a loss of motor oil, and a small amount of tranny fluid, but no more so than before this problem started . The engine does not quit, just no power from tranny.

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