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Trans. Cooler leak

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I was at a Merchants last night getting used tires mounted and a 4/W alignment. And on the invoice, as the tire man pointed out, I had a leak from the tranny cooler. I didnt think to ask alot about it. Where is the trans cooler located? I didnt even know I had one but I would think its on the radiator.


it goes thru the radiator and through a separate cooler mounted on the drivers side in front of the radiator

it goes thru the radiator and through a separate cooler


Let me make sure I got this right, so the cooler is mounted in front of the radiator with hoses running to and from the rad?

Is there any technique to chasing a leak down other than just looking? If I put StopLeak in it, will it be more difficult to find leak?


Check the hoses going to the cooler. I had both go bad on mine at the same time.


Also, this may or may not be related, but I get a SES light anytime I let it sit in P or N for a few seconds. The light comes on shortly after I shift it to P/N at which point it revs anywhere from 1500-2800(never touches the rev limiter unless cold start). The one code I know of is a high intake temp. My guess is Im leaking vacuum at a intake gasket because I didnt have the SES until after I changed plugs. I did replace all gaskets tho they just might have cracked under torque. Lately tho, it lights up at idle in D with my foot on the brake. Dissappears right when I give it gas. Like I said, I dont know of this problems relevance. :?


Ignore my last post, sometimes I try to solve 10 problems at once. I took a look under my Z last night. I found a leak right by the trans cooler. Tho its on the other side of the rad.(facing the engine). But it doesnt even look right(trans cooler should leak antifreeze right?) Its looking like oil to me and I was like 1 or 2 qts. low. This confuses me now. I cant tell exactly where the leak originated from.


I think I will post pics in a few days of where the leak is dropping from. Under the rad. is a bracket that covers the length of the rad. The leak is coming from a opening in that bracket. Directly above that opening, is a rubber hose which later opens up to show two metal lines that run to the trans cooler. The leak has to be coming from that hose or it's connections. But like I said, it seems to be oil. My boss-man said it could be burned up tranny fluid. So I checked trans fluid and it isnt low, and still has a red tint to it(a dark red tho, but not as dark as oil). So I figure the leak has to be oil(I was 1 or 2 qts. low) but my boss said the only lines running to the rad. are either antifreeze or tranny fluid and no oil should be around there.

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