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Engine Tilter for GM Engines - Opinion Wanted

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I wouldn't waste my money on it. You can tilt the engine easly with hand tools. Just undo the dogbones and then take a bar through the engine side of the mount and pull the engine and then put the bar trough both mounts.


go to pep boys, they have one for $15. It's a rental tool, but you can keep it if you want.


Don't waste your money. The dogbones have a loop on their underside that is used to hold the engine in the rocked position (bolt placed through engine mount & loop). The engine is easy to rock especially if the mounts are worn. If you want to buy something, get a ratcheting hold-down strap. It can do the job and be used for other things.


I use (the $20) one that my father had when he had his shop (he never had an occasion to use it). Works OK. I don't yank on the engine anymore.


I have the $20 one.

It's easier to tilt the engine with the car on a downhill slope with the nose pointed down, but in my last house, I didn't have a downhill slope so I bought this to use on the TGP. I got it cheaper through a friend.


It works great for tilting, but when untilting, the threads bind in the hole and I have to hit it with a hammer pretty hard to un-tilt. It's not the best design, but it does work.

I have the $20 one..........

.........It works great for tilting, but when untilting, the threads bind in the hole and I have to hit it with a hammer pretty hard to un-tilt. It's not the best design, but it does work.


I use a pair of pliers and "wiggle" the tool back and forth. The eye bolt then shimmies thru the knuckle, lowering the engine.


I have changed plugs that were up agains the firewall in a 1990 Beretta with a 3.1. That was made easier by using a jointed socket wrench. But from what I've read/hard, tilting the engine is must when working on the 3.4 - so thanks for the advice everyone!


Some rope and a buddy, or Dad in my case, is all you need to tilt the engine. You probably already have the rope and you can inexpensively take advantage of friends.


the way i did it once when i was in a pinch i took out the dog bone and put the car in reverse just moved the motor forward just enough to change the plugs easy on my 3.4 once it was forward i set the e brake

i dont think it moved any more then using the tools thats for the job


I've always done it myself. Just use a prybar, and put a bolt through the slave hole in the left torque strut (on 3.1s) Don't need no fancy tools :lol:

I've always done it myself. Just use a prybar, and put a bolt through the slave hole in the left torque strut (on 3.1s) Don't need no fancy tools :lol:


exactly! -- I always used a tire iron and some muscle to yank it into place then some fancy manuvering to get the bolt through the slave hole on the dogbone (or have my gilfriend do it :) )


NO SHIT!! this seems to be a pretty big fucking problem for a lot of people on here.

Here's the answer....Pry Bar, Bolt, Done. Its as easy as that.

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