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March Project Begun! (Pictures)


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I dont never use turn signals


You would then receive the horn and the middle finger from my MOTHER haha.


If you lived around here, you wouldnt use a signal either. There's never cars around you to warrant turning it on. And as fast as my car goes through front blinker bulbs I Just dont use them

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I dont never use turn signals


You would then receive the horn and the middle finger from my MOTHER haha.


If you lived around here, you wouldnt use a signal either. There's never cars around you to warrant turning it on. And as fast as my car goes through front blinker bulbs I Just dont use them


Sidemarkers/turn signals burn out quickly, eh? If so, reseal the sidemarker lenses, I had the same problem where water would get into the damn sidemarkers(mainly the one on the passenger side and blow it anytime it rained..resealed the lense and haven't had a problem since.)

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Hey digitaloutsider...are you and gearhead gonna put the ste bar between the tails and make it light up with the brake lights etc....I heard gearhead43 say something about that somewhere else....i think that would be sweet as hell


I like STE tails...they're not what you're used to seeing..that's why i like em

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I dont never use turn signals


You would then receive the horn and the middle finger from my MOTHER haha.


If you lived around here, you wouldnt use a signal either. There's never cars around you to warrant turning it on. And as fast as my car goes through front blinker bulbs I Just dont use them


Sidemarkers/turn signals burn out quickly, eh? If so, reseal the sidemarker lenses, I had the same problem where water would get into the damn sidemarkers(mainly the one on the passenger side and blow it anytime it rained..resealed the lense and haven't had a problem since.)


Eh, each one blows pretty much every year. I'll just stop using them all together. My right one has been out for about 6 months and I havent used it since and I've only used the left a few times

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Hey digitaloutsider...are you and gearhead gonna put the ste bar between the tails and make it light up with the brake lights etc....I heard gearhead43 say something about that somewhere else....i think that would be sweet as hell


I like STE tails...they're not what you're used to seeing..that's why i like em



YES, we are going to try doing that. Problem is that the rear bar uses 194 bulbs, So I have to find a DUAL FILMENT bulb (brake / tails) that would fit a 194 socket and then find a car with that type of bulbs so I can take 5 sockets and graft them on the STE rear light harness... If I can find such a bulb, then maybe we can pull it off. :idea:




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sure would be kickass to have someone near to help work on your car.


car keep getting better man.


can't wait to see the final version

or mayb the temp complete version




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